Mysterious characters
OK — I’m throwing in the towel. I am overall very happy with how my blog has gone together but I can’t figure out one fairly simple thing. Go to my blog, click on the comments under one of my posts. See the question mark in the page title (in the browswer bar?) And also the question mark after “# Comments” (right above “The URI to TrackBack this entry is:” I want to get rid of those! My theory is that some non-ascii characters got into the code and the browser is choking on them. I already eliminated a few (it doesn’t like those — em dashes). Anyway, I’ve grepped everything I can think of, and I can’t find which file to look in to correct this text. I found what looked like the offending code in wp-comments-reply.php, but it was apparently not the right file.
Oh, and the weird thing is, in my browser, if I hit refresh repeatedly, the ?’s alternate with >> which I assume is what the text is supposed to be.
Thanks for any help you can provide!
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