If you want to manually append a breadcrumb to the trail for certain pages, you can do that. However, the way you would do this depends on how the URL mywebsite/contact/contacteurope/#france is generated.
If #france is appended by PHP that detects the user’s location, then you’d use PHP to append a breadcrumb to the breadcrumb trail. You will want to write a hook into the bcn_after_fill
action. You can take the concept discussed in https://mtekk.us/archives/guides/add-a-static-breadcrumb-to-the-breadcrumb-trail/ and apply it similar to what is done in https://github.com/mtekk/Breadcrumb-NavXT-BuddyPress-Extensions/blob/master/breadcrumb_navxt_buddypress.php
If #france is added by JavaScript, or by the user clicking on something, then you will need to use JavaScript to append/update the new breadcrumb. There isn’t a designated framework within Breadcrumb NavXT for doing this yet (but I’m working towards it).