Name of board for another language in the embed section
Hi Axew, i love this plugin, but i do not use the embed function because of the restriction of the names.
Its a way to change this? because my primary language is spanish, and using forum o board its out of mind ??
I want to use “Foro” (forum/board), “Foros” (forums/boards) or “Comunidad” (community).
This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
Hi! Yes!
ok we’ll go to remove on next this limit.
In the while if you want change this, open with text editor the file:
near to the top there are these two lines:// if you want auto name your embedded board page with something different like 'myniceforum' add it here $w3all_pages = array('board' => 'board', 'boards' => 'boards', 'community' => 'community', 'forums' => 'forums', 'forum' => 'forum');
change the line
$w3all_pages = array('board' => 'board', 'boards' => 'boards', 'community' => 'community', 'forums' => 'forums', 'forum' => 'forum');
adding your value, like:
$w3all_pages = array('board' => 'board', 'boards' => 'boards', 'community' => 'community', 'forums' => 'forums', 'forum' => 'forum', 'foro' => 'foro');
that is.
If still in trouble just post ??Thanks ??
I make all the steps, but I only see the header of the board ?? <– Embed <– originals
And another question. In embed mode, theres a way to see the title from the page you are navigating in the forums?
Ex. If i seeing a profile in the forums, the title is
“Degeneraciox – Viendo Perfil – N3k0” in embed mode says only “Foros de Discusión | Degeneració” (The WP Title) hope I can explain ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
about the first and not resizing, on your phpBB theme, somewhere (should be overall_footer.html) there is:
<script> (function($) { 'use strict'; $(window).on('load', function() { $.get ..... etc etc ...... }); })(jQuery); </script>
but the console say that jquery isn’t found, in fact it is added just after, while it need to be added before this function that use jquery and before, also, the code of resizer you have add into overall_footer.html.
May this interfere and lead to the problem that the iframe not resize, and the above. I see there are two different points where jquery libraries are added into your overall_footer.html: move the inclusion of jquery libraries before any call to jquery into your phpBB theme.
And another question. In embed mode, theres a way to see the title from the page you are navigating in the forums?
in fact unfortunately, this question i have not understand!
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
p.s OR more easy, and maybe will work, just move all the code you have add about resizer, just before the closing </body> tab of your overall_footer.html.
This will not resolve the problem of the function of your theme i mentioned before, but the resizer should work. Let knowNope… same problem. I check the iframeResizer.contentWindow.min.js file and I see the code its write in a single line like this:
!function(a){"use strict";function b(a,b,c){"addEventListener"in window?a.addEventListener(b,c,!1):"attachEvent"(...etc etc)
Instead of
!function(a) { "use strict"; function b(a,b,c) { "addEventListener" in window?a.addEventListener(b,c,!1): "attachEvent" (...etc etc)
I some cases this mess up the file.
About the other… i have to make screens, but its no important right now ??
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
This means is resolved about the “board/foro” names.
About the embed thing, want a new topic to me to open?
yes because the problem is on your phpBB theme, that not include the jquery libraries before that are used/called.
You should move up the code that include/call of jquery into your phpBB theme.
You need help on something that isn’t related the plugin code…by the way, ok …
add before the code you’ve add on overall_footer.html, this code:
<script src=""></script>
but this is an hint to check and make it work, while you should load the internal phpBB libraries, that on default phpBB theme are called in this way into overall_footer.html<script type="text/javascript" src="{T_JQUERY_LINK}"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="{T_ASSETS_PATH}/javascript/core.js?assets_version={T_ASSETS_VERSION}"></script>
in the first case you’ll load jquery from google, an external resource.
Should work, but by the way as said, you should adjust your theme to make all work fine and in proper way.thx for you time… Im going to check this ??
hey! if still in trouble and u really can’t get it out, send or post the overall_footer.html file … i will take a fast look.
Hey, thanks a lot. This is my overall_footer clean:
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This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
try to add the resizer code before this line:
i “guess” that the reason is the error of the js function on your theme, that may lead the after enqueued scripts to not work. Let see/know!
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
the above has been edited, check it before to apply
Thx for all the help, but still the page is not resized. Well, its a feature i wont use them ??
Keep the awesom work ??
When ever you want, send me your crazy phpBB theme, zipped, via pm at, or post it here (the link to the zip).
I will adjust in 5 min when i will have it “under my hand”! -
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
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