Hi @tfadz,
To assist you, and until this plugin is updated, you can achieve what you’re looking for as follows:
(1) Deactivate and delete this plugin.
(2) Create two side-by-side fields in your form (one Drop Down field, one Phone field).
Details: https://prnt.sc/flzbPIe5ZgiT
(3) In the Drop Down field, go to Field Settings and click on Edit Choices.
Details: https://prnt.sc/kEW-CdwafzJS and https://prnt.sc/JGH9Y4zyCXxi
(4) Inside the pop-up (Choices), enter the data (Country and Country Code) provided here: https://gist.github.com/GaryJones/4353a9a78a3495056523
(a) Copy and paste the above Country and Country Code data into a MS Word or Text file, then replace, for example, Afghanistan|+93 with Afghanistan (+93). Do the same for all other countries.
(b) Once you complete the above in (a), copy and paste all the data your created using Gravity Form’s Bulk Entry feature located at the bottom of Choices.
Details: https://prnt.sc/hLltaUHkVojz
(5) Once you have completed the above, run a couple of tests (submit your completed form) to ensure there are no errors, etc. By the way, your Country Code dropdown (frontend), should look like this:
Details: https://prnt.sc/DYlfwD2afB5F
(6) If all is done correctly, the Entries section (backend) for Gravity Forms will capture both the Country and Country Code.
Details: https://prnt.sc/zakQeHj0mYVE