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  • Hmm…

    Moderator James Huff


    Sound all the lofty instruments of war!

    Hey, for only US$219 you can have an Enterprise edition!
    I’ve posted to their forum already….

    Moderator James Huff


    Just from the forum activity alone, it looks like they have a rip-roarin’ user base.

    Moderator James Huff


    I’ve posted in that topic as well. Maybe they’ll get the hint now.


    Interesting. This is from their system requirements:

    PHP 4+ – Your web server must have PHP 4 or better. Your network administrator can download the latest version of Perl from PHP is extremely common though, and installed on virtually every webserver on Earth.

    Apparently you need PHP, and your sys admin can get PEARL from the PHP website…. interesting…..

    One Man Show? And there is even one customer…

    phpWordPress is my website – and my product. It is not rip-off at all, it is fully proprietary script written in php/mysql, and if needed, I can prove that from source code if requested so.
    As for the name – phpWordPress – if officially requested from, I shall rename the script and register another domain name. Besides that – one single line of code is NOT taken from – and I’m not intending my script sell as blog – this is very clear if you look at the website.
    I left your comments on my forum, because after this I would expect (and highly appreciate) you post again, this time, more politely.
    Let me reply on some of your comments here:
    1. Hey, for only US$219 you can have an Enterprise edition!
    – Yes, this is opening and the script is not popular yet, so my decision is to go with this until I get some more customers.
    2. Just from the forum activity alone, it looks like they have a rip-roarin’ user base.
    – The website is launched on Dec 7th, 3 days ago. What do you expect? Myself and my team pretending to be users and posting around?
    3. One Man Show? And there is even one customer…
    – Nope, not one man show. One customer, correct. As i said – just launched.

    Hi Anonymous,
    even if phpWordPress would be a “rip-off” of WordPress this would be perfectly legal. WP is GPL-licensed and the GPL does allow that as long as the resulting software is also GPL.
    The name issue: You should really rename your software. WordPress is quite popular and it is free, so your customers won’t be happy at all when they find a software for free on the web that has the same name and looks quite similar to the one they’ve paid for. Naming your software WordPress just confuses people. And this is already happening, obviously.

    Hello again,
    Joh, thx for your advice, I appreciate it. This time I registered, do not wish to post as Anonymous.
    “even if phpWordPress would be a “rip-off” of WordPress this would be perfectly legal. WP is GPL-licensed and the GPL does allow that as long as the resulting software is also GPL.”;
    Exactly, however in my case it wouldn’t be legal. IF I had ripped wordpress, I’d have to release it as GPL as well, but my script is commercial. Anyhow, I already stated my intention to show source and prove that it is fully proprietary according to all standards.
    As for name and similarity issue – couldn’t we say that ALL news / article scripts look the same? I didn’t re-invent the wheel here, just made one quality (in my opinion) website component. As for the name – I thought a lot about it… words WORD and PRESS are very powerful terms in news publishing industry – I don’t see any reason not to take advantage of that. Imagine i.e. pursuing,, etc. for ripping their name off because of the “lance” term…
    @nuclearmoose and macmanx: I still left the topic on my forum opened, although it can do me bad. I have nothing to hide or cheat – if you could accuse me for rip-off over there, then stick to your words and PROVE it there, otherwise be so civilized to apologize. Do you have any special interest in scaring off my potential customers?

    Let’s help him come up with a new name..

    Stop it please !
    Thread Moderated.

    I like how this thread changed face about three times, how about we stop bashing people and just focus on what the topic is set here for. And if you’re going to start bashing Macmanx at least log-in first.

    No bashing.
    At all.
    The point about the program has been made, and the author has rebutted.
    I cannot see a single reason for another post here – exercise self-restraint please ?

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