• I am using narchives.php and love it, but have found that it is also displaying my draft posts – not yet published.
    Anyone else having this problem? Anyone know of a solution?

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  • I’m also having this problem. But don’t have a solution. ?? But it’s prolly just a MySQL call that doesn’t check for the post status.

    Thread Starter robgreeley


    Let me know if you find a solution – Thanks.

    Today, I looked at my blog stats (using the BAStats plugin) and noticed that some of my drafts are showing up in the list. I logged out of the admin panel and pulled up the URL of a few drafts. The drafts came up and were showing as published on the date I created them. I have put temporarily suspended my site (with the Site Unavailable plugin) until I can correct this issue.

    The only thing I believe I’ve changed recently was upgrading the In Series plugin by Skippy. However, I don’t see where this would affect the publishing of drafts.

    Any ideas?

    Why are you bumping a year old thread for a totally unrelated subject (this thread is about a script called narchives.php displaying drafts)? Please, make your own thread next time.

    Anyway, any plugin that is displaying drafts is improperly coded. When querying, it needs to have post_status='publish' in it’s WHERE area of the query.

    As for being able to view the draft, log out and try again. Logged out users shouldn’t be able to view drafts, even if they figure out the draft’s ID and do index.php?p=XX. ??

    I didn’t see another thread related to this issue; this thread is about drafts showing as published; that’s the same problem I’m having.

    As I already mentioned, I have logged out. When logged out, the drafts are still showing as published. In my experience, even logged in users shouldn’t be able to view draft posts in published form (including user level 10).

    this thread is about drafts showing as published; that’s the same problem I’m having.

    That was due to some script robgreeley had.

    Anyway, where are your drafts still showing as published? In BAStats? If that’s the case, that’s the developer’s fault and you’ll need to contact them to fix their issue.

    But if you try view the actual contents of the draft while logged out, you shouldn’t be able to view it. I just tried it for myself on my dev blog and it allowed me to view the draft from outside of my admin area, but only if I was logged in.

    Or am I still misunderstanding you?

    I can view the drafts as published posts even when not logged in as a user.

    WHERE can you view the drafts as published posts? Again, in this plugin’s stats or in your normal WordPress Loop?

    As posts on my blog. I’m not sure what is not clear about this.

    Okay, well something is seriously wrong then if items marked as “drafts” are showing up on the main page of your blog within your Loop. But it’s hard for me to troubleshoot without being able to see your blog.

    Are you using the latest version of WordPress? Try disabling all of your plugins.

    Yes, I’m using WP 1.5.2. I’ve disabled all of my plugins and am still having the problem. I haven’t changed any code in the WP setup; I wasn’t having this problem previously, so I don’t have a clue what could have caused it now.

    I think I’ve discovered that the Adhesive 2.1 beta plugin and the In Series 1.8 plugin have some incompatability.

    I downgraded the Adhesive plugin to 1.5 and it seems to have solved the problem. Strange.

    Actually, Adhesive 1.5 apparently doesn’t work with WP 1.5.2 so I disabled Adhesive and everything is working fine with In Series and no drafts are showing up as published.

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