I understand the KYC process: https://docs.mangopay.com/guide/kyc. It should be used for vendors, but I am not sure it applies to customers as well.
fripss has got a point. It makes on-boarding of customers much more difficult (on a marketplace). Nobody understands why he/she needs to provide birthday, nationality, living country to buy something. Yes, of course once payment is due they need to provide it, but to many this request of information seems scary. You know in what times we live: Wikileaks & Co.
For Dokan, once you make it compatible as you said with next update, it would be useful if you integrate Mangopay with the Dokan registration frontend, because currently First Name, Last Name appears twice. Once for Mangopay and once for Dokan vendors.
If you put in those extra-info only in the Dokan-vendor registration part instead of the customer registration part, then it is fine. Vendors will get that but not customers. Some customer just want to check out the platform before they buy, hard to check if one needs to register with all sorts of very personal information.
So please be so kind and adjust it in the next release. Highly appreciated.