• I have tried many different ways to get my hearder to work as it did before I switched over the WP and to be honest I am as stumped at I can be. I ened someone with some serious CSS/PHP chops to help with this.

    I would prefer that my navigation bar be on the other side of where is is actually showing up.

    I have posted about this before and someone pointed out that my site is not XML compliant but I hvae my doubt about that being what is causeing this. If I am wrong about that then maybe someone could explain to me how I am.

    my website is at webmachiavelli.com

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  • webmachiavelli,

    I will be the first to step up and say that Yosemite gave you good “help” in the other thread, and in this one. Regardless of what you want to do, few people are going to be willing to help you until your site is valid, and here’s the simplest explanation as to why:

    You are in math class. 2 hours before this class, there was an english class in the same room. The English teacher left up all the english notes on the chalkboard.

    Your math teacher starts teaching algebra to you. He turns to the chalkboard and starts writing out a huge equation on the chalkboard.

    You dont get it.

    Why? because the math teacher didnt erase all the english notes off the chalkboard first.

    Moral: You need a clean chalkboard.

    Having an already valid site when you want to make any sort of major changes, and yes, moving a sidebar is a MAJOR change, insures (for the most part) that something thats broke isnt screwing with what you are attempting to change. It might seem like tedious work now, but it helps heaps on the other side. It also takes the additional burden of fixing other problems off someone that might be willing to help you with **just** the sidebar.. People are to help but you have to be willing to shoulder some burden too.

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    Honestly I appreciate the suggestions. So I began correcting them. Now I am at one I have no idea how I should correct it. It is asking me I think to rename the header. Which just makes no sense to me.

    Then many of them aftter that are errors related to my navigation bar. I am now at the point where it would seem wise that someone assist me with more than a fix the errors suggestion.

    Now what?

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    Oh I will be on AIM or Yahoo if someone cares to chat me through it. my user name on both is WebMachiavelli…

    well I will be on it for another 3 hours anyhow.

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    Well should I take this to mean no one will help me until I fix every like XML issue or that no one has a clue how to help me at the moment?

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    I am still need of assistance if anyone can provide it. And again I am on AIM or Yahoo.

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    Um anyone? anyone at all?

    Is there any particular reason you won’t fix your errors? Just curious…

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    Because the first errors are either related to the issue at hand, my navigation bar, or code generated by Word Press.

    Look I am not some lazy idiot. I tweaked my header and navigation bar several different ways before I posted it. I got no where and I came here seeking support. If you can explain to me why I need to change the name of the header from header as the first error alludes to I will be more than happy to do so but I am confused as to why I would need to do that.

    And seeing as someone recently made a crack about teaching it would seem silly of me to just change a name of something without understanding why in this instance I need to. What if the issue arises again? Should I not know how to correct this issue next time? Or better yet how to keep it from coming up in the future?

    There can only be one instance of an ID per (x)html document. There can be countless use of a class, but only 1 #header (or one #title, one #content). In your document you have it used twice and a third time as a class.

    Ref: https://www.tizag.com/cssT/cssid.php

    Thread Starter webmachiavelli


    I have gotten the number of errors down to 70. None as far as I can see are related to the header or navigation. However I really am not certain how I would correct problems with “code” generated by Word Press.

    Error Line 204 column 26: ID “<b>p</b>448” already defined.

    <a target=”_blank” id=”p448″ rel=”attachment” title=”Model Courtney” href=”ht

    An “id” is a unique identifier. Each time this attribute is used in a document it must have a different value. If you are using this attribute as a hook for style sheets it may be more appropriate to use classes (which group elements) than id (which are used to identify exactly one element).

    From what I understand it had an issue with the use of P as an id in this instance but would the id not be p448?

    It appears there’s 3 versions of the same link (lines 203, 204 and 205):
    <p><a target="_blank" id="p448" rel="attachment" title="Model Courtney" href="https://www.webmachiavelli.com/?attachment_id=448" /></p>
    <p><a target="_blank" id="p448" rel="attachment" title="Model Courtney" href="https://www.webmachiavelli.com/?attachment_id=448"> </a></p>
    <div style="text-align: center"><a target="_blank" id="p448" rel="attachment" title="Model Courtney" href="https://www.webmachiavelli.com/?attachment_id=448"><img alt="Model Courtney" id="image448" src="https://www.webmachiavelli.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/07/744117881_m.jpg" /></a></div>

    Go to that post and delete 2 of them (the top 2?). If you’re using wysiwig editing, either turn it off or when editing the post use the HTML button to bring up a non-wysiwig view.

    For the next one (“alt”): Won’t effect display/position.

    For Line 397:
    <ul>But all the programs grew out of the Bush administration’s desire to exploit technological tools to prevent another terrorist strike, and all reflect attempts to break down longstanding legal or institutional barriers to the government’s access to private information about Americans and others inside the United States.</ul>

    You should probably be using <blockquote>. If you have to use <ul> then the contents still need to be surrounded with <li></li>.

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