@lhannahl – thanks for the additional information.
Pick just one. One starting point is that you can either use the NextGEN Gallery version of fancybox, which is great and fine, or you can use this plugin’s version. But if you try to do both, then it will for sure break.
That means you have two options: (1) remove our plugin (or at least disable it for images) and set the NextGEN lightbox to ‘fancybox’. This will use NextGEN’s fancybox or (2) set NextGEN’s lightbox to ‘none’ and rely on our plugin.
Lightbox not working. The issue with option #2 above is that it sounds like our lightbox is not opening your NextGEN images as expected. I can tell from looking at your page that our plugin is not detecting your images and adding the needed attributes. So we need to figure out why.
To troubleshoot, additional questions:
- I’m assuming you are not using Pro?
- Can you confirm you are using the latest version of Firelight / Easy Fancybox (2.3.2)
- Can you confirm which Easy Fancybox / Firelight lightbox you are using (Legacy, Classic, or V2)? If in doubt, try setting this to Classic.
- Can you tell me what you have set on the for the Easy Fancybox / Firelight options screen for Images > Apply To setting (could be All Images or All Image Links). If in doubt, set this to All Images.
- Can you tell me what you have set for Images > Automatically Group Images? This seems like the most likely culprit. Most of these settings should work, but to avoid complexities, avoid the ‘Custom’ setting here.
- Can you confirm that if you go to the Miscellaneous > Exclude setting, you don’t have anything specific entered in that field that would exclude your NextGEN images.
If none of that works, I’m not sure. If you’d like more direct troubleshooting at that point, you can reach out to me at firelightwp.com/contact.