• I’m having issues with my site in that it is not updating my navigation menu.

    An Upgrade thesis button keeps appearing and my site goes back to it’s default version. Even after I click Upgrade. This warning also appears:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/ncaddjor/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_18/lib/classes/css.php on line 60

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home1/ncaddjor/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_18/lib/classes/css.php on line 60

    The upgrade button continues to appear on every category that I click on my dashboard. Before, I was able to adjust my layout in the custom file editor. I have to exit from my page and re-login to start over. My thesis and my plugins are up to date, but I have not updated to WordPress 3.2.1 yet. I’m afraid if I don’t back up my content correctly, I’ll lose all my content. Help!


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  • First thing first – you will not loose if you break your theme to any extent. Your content is kept in a separate SQL database and theme is just the way you display it.

    Now for this error – i had the same exact problem a few minutes ago. I could correct it by doing these two things –

    1) I disabled all plugins and enabled them one by one to see if there was a function error.

    2) I located the error line in the file /wp-content/themes/thesis_18/lib/classes/css.php on line 60 and commented out the entire section which pertains to google font selection.

    I commented out this code by adding “/*” in the beginning and */ at the end of this part of the code.

    `foreach ($this->fonts[‘families’] as $area => $active_font) {
    if ($this->stacks->fonts[$active_font][‘google’])
    $google_fonts[] = $active_font;

    if ($area == ‘code’ && !$active_font)
    $this->font_families[$area] = ‘font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘body’]][‘family’] . ‘; ‘;
    elseif ($area == ‘tagline’ && !$active_font)
    $this->font_families[$area] = ($this->fonts[‘families’][‘header’]) ? ‘font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘header’]][‘family’] . ‘; ‘ : ”;
    elseif ($area == ‘subheads’) {
    if ($active_font) $this->font_families[$area] = ‘.format_text h2, .format_text h3, .format_text h4, .format_text h5, .format_text h6 { font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$active_font][‘family’] . ‘; }’ . “\n”;
    elseif ($this->fonts[‘families’][‘headlines’]) $this->font_families[$area] = ‘.format_text h2, .format_text h3, .format_text h4, .format_text h5, .format_text h6 { font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘headlines’]][‘family’] . ‘; }’ . “\n”;
    else $this->font_families[$area] = ”;
    elseif ($area == ‘multimedia_box’)
    $this->font_families[‘multimedia_box’] = ($active_font) ? ‘#multimedia_box { font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘multimedia_box’]][‘family’] . “; }” : ”;
    elseif ($active_font)
    $this->font_families[$area] = ‘font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$active_font][‘family’] . ‘; ‘;

    Now it works perfectly well.

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