First thing first – you will not loose if you break your theme to any extent. Your content is kept in a separate SQL database and theme is just the way you display it.
Now for this error – i had the same exact problem a few minutes ago. I could correct it by doing these two things –
1) I disabled all plugins and enabled them one by one to see if there was a function error.
2) I located the error line in the file /wp-content/themes/thesis_18/lib/classes/css.php on line 60 and commented out the entire section which pertains to google font selection.
I commented out this code by adding “/*” in the beginning and */ at the end of this part of the code.
`foreach ($this->fonts[‘families’] as $area => $active_font) {
if ($this->stacks->fonts[$active_font][‘google’])
$google_fonts[] = $active_font;
if ($area == ‘code’ && !$active_font)
$this->font_families[$area] = ‘font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘body’]][‘family’] . ‘; ‘;
elseif ($area == ‘tagline’ && !$active_font)
$this->font_families[$area] = ($this->fonts[‘families’][‘header’]) ? ‘font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘header’]][‘family’] . ‘; ‘ : ”;
elseif ($area == ‘subheads’) {
if ($active_font) $this->font_families[$area] = ‘.format_text h2, .format_text h3, .format_text h4, .format_text h5, .format_text h6 { font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$active_font][‘family’] . ‘; }’ . “\n”;
elseif ($this->fonts[‘families’][‘headlines’]) $this->font_families[$area] = ‘.format_text h2, .format_text h3, .format_text h4, .format_text h5, .format_text h6 { font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘headlines’]][‘family’] . ‘; }’ . “\n”;
else $this->font_families[$area] = ”;
elseif ($area == ‘multimedia_box’)
$this->font_families[‘multimedia_box’] = ($active_font) ? ‘#multimedia_box { font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$this->fonts[‘families’][‘multimedia_box’]][‘family’] . “; }” : ”;
elseif ($active_font)
$this->font_families[$area] = ‘font-family: ‘ . $this->stacks->fonts[$active_font][‘family’] . ‘; ‘;
Now it works perfectly well.