Hey @fellter2,
– I would like to have the logo on the left, the menu in the center and cart icon to the right. Could you help me with the css for that?
This is not currently possible out of the box and requires us to create a seperate menu variation. I like this menu structure so I’ve put this on our internal roadmap. Thanks for your suggestion!
– I would like 4 columns in the footer. How can I achieve this?
Are you using a page builder with the theme? If so, I’d suggest to build this type of footer with your page builder of choice. A 4 column layout with widget areas would be helpful for more simple layouts and this feature is already on the roadmap.
– is the WooCommerce.svg file the correct file to change the cart icon?
The cart icon comes from our page-builder-framework icon font. You wouldn’t actually need to change the font and rather override the CSS for the cart icon. There are 2 other icons that would work very well here, the basket & bag icon.
For more details, please have a look at the _framework.scss file. The icon font CSS is defined there at the very top.
It’s also worth to mention, that the Premium Add-On let’s you switch between those icons from within the WordPress customizer.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.