• I’m a novice to WP, but I’m using an ElegantThemes temp, and I’ve received no response in their forum. I’m trying to do 2 things.

    1) I would like to change the color of the top navigation tabs and 2)change the width of the container on all pages…

    Any help is appreciated…



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  • Thread Starter me4u2nv


    Is there anyone here that can help me with this? Thanks

    I also have a menu issue where I would like to make my top menu wider to accomomdate more page links. The way it stands now, the page links are wrapping around and don’t show up well due to the color of the background

    link to your site?

    Hey i’m new to this as well but I had the same problem but with a different theme. I solved it by adding
    color #000000;
    to all the different things inside of the naviagtion/WP page navi sections.

    so change this:
    .logowrap { float: left; width: 950px; margin-top: 80px; }
    .logowrap { float: left; width: 950px; margin-top: 80px; color #000000; }
    Then see what happens. Eventually you should hit the right spot. Try the WP Page Navi section first, that where i found mine.

    It is also helpfull to add in comments when you discover what anything does. Use
    */ coments in here */
    right before the second }.

    *note that #000000 if black and therfore will not change black things black. If you don’t know anyhting about hex internet colors I suggest this site: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colors.asp

    If you go through them all and there arn’t any changes then youl have to ask someone smarter.

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