• Resolved thomasatsmf


    We use a filter which modifies aspects of the author information on posts. When this (Publish to Apple News) plugin calls the get_the_author_meta function, since it is not in the context of a post, there is no way to get post information, so filters that use post information will not work.

    The normal method of using global $post; to get at the post doesn’t work.

    In the file admin/apple-actions/index/class-export.php there is the function:

    public function fetch_exporter() {
         do_action( 'apple_news_do_fetch_exporter', $this->id );
        $author = ucfirst( get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $post->post_author ) );

    If a hook could be added before each post was processed, which included the post info, we could get filters to work.

    Or, you could add a global $post; line at the beginning of that function, but I suspect the hook would be the right way to go.


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  • Thread Starter thomasatsmf


    I looked right past my own answer. I was so focused on the post itself that I looked right past the id that was being passed in on the ‘apple_news_do_fetch_exporter’ action.

    This simple add to functions.php handled my problem right off in case anyone else needs to handle the same issue:

    function grow_store_current_post($post_id){
        global $post;
        $post= get_post($post_id);
    add_action('apple_news_do_fetch_exporter', 'grow_store_current_post');
    Plugin Author Bradford Campeau-Laurion


    There are multiple hooks available that can accomplish this. You should check these lines here:


    Sorry to bring this up again but I’m having problems adding a guest author to the byline.

    I have a custom field guest_author that I’m trying to retrieve. So I need to replace this: $author = ucfirst( get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $post->post_author ) ); with my custom field.

    I have this in my functions.php. For testing purposes, I’ve simplified the filter to just enter the guest_author and the post_ID.

    add_filter('apple_news_exporter_byline', 'custom_author');
    function custom_author($byline, $post) {
    	   global $post;
           //$post = get_post($post->ID);
           if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'guest_author', true) != '') {
                  $byline =  get_post_meta($post->ID, 'guest_author', true);
           } else {
                 $byline = 'no author'.$post->ID;
    	   return $byline;

    I’m not getting the $post->ID so the byline text is always “no author”. As I’m obviously not getting the ID I was wondering how to retrieve it or is there another hook I should be using.

    Plugin Author Bradford Campeau-Laurion


    The issue here isn’t the filter in the plugin but instead how you’re calling it. If a filter takes more than one parameter, you must specify that explicitly in the call to add_filter.

    In other words, this line:

    add_filter( 'apple_news_exporter_byline', 'custom_author' );

    should be:

    add_filter( 'apple_news_exporter_byline', 'custom_author', 10, 2 );

    Otherwise WordPress will not pass the second parameter to your custom_author function. You can read more about filter hooks here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/functions/add_filter/

    Thanks Bradford,

    Still learning a bit of this stuff. I also had to replace $post with $post_id and it works.

    Thanks for your help and continued development of the plugin.


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