• Hey there WordPress community.

    I have been put in charge of putting a site up with basic information serving needs. Nothing fancy per-se. And being the WP lover that I am, naturally I want to use WordPress to build the sight.

    Basically, I need advice on how to organize the information.

    Currently, my thought revolve around using Single Pages for most of the content and only using Posts+Categories for sections like FAQ and News. That’s mainly due to the static nature of the information where the only dynamic aspect would be newly answered questions which only I add. And of course a section for the latest News, which won’t really be too often.

    Based on the aforementioned information, I think the following aspects of WP’s CMS will not be used: Comments, Tags, Dated Pages, Archives

    I think the RSS Feed will also barely be used except for a few die-hard readers that want to use their My Yahoo or My Google page to follow the site’s news.

    Of the pages that will be served, will be:
    – The Business Plan: might have some pages under it to break up the
    Business Plan into smaller pieces.
    – About Us section: also might have some sub-pages for things like
    future plans and the company’s history
    – Contact page: Will probably use one of the many WP Contact form
    plug-ins for that
    – Products: also with a few sup-pages for each product type.

    As for the FAQ, it will most likely just be a bunch of entries based on the questions I have already received about the company. I was thinking of breaking the FAQ section into 2 or 3 sub-categories based on the nature of the Questions, but that may not be necessary.

    Also the News section would probably be comprised of posts that a reader can access by going to the news category’s page.

    If possible I would probably like to have a Latest or Most Recent section for each category to go into the sidebar. That way News can be chosen from the Latest News box and FAQ entries can be chosen from the Most Recent Questions box.

    As I said before, I am hoping I can use WordPress to get the information served and the main obstacle seems to be organization of that information. Usability is key.

    I apologize for writing such a long post. But the more information I can get out about my need, the better a respons and the better the documentation of that response for others to benefit from it.

    So far i have been looking to use the “Salmon” theme by Justin Shattuck since it seems easy enough to edit.

    I don’t have much experience customizing WordPress themes but I am sue with the little need of many WordPress features, deleting built-in features will be easier than uber-customization of theme code.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this long post.
    Also, I appreciate those that take the time to answer.


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  • Cathy Mitchell


    I have seen a couple of nice cms themes that wouldn’t be big on comments, and date-based archiving. And then you could add a “store” plugin if you want to feature products for sale. Maybe they have a widget type thing for that. Search through here for ideas of what would be easy enough to incorporate. Here is a good site for finding themes.

    this is an awesome FAQ plugin ive used before

    Thread Starter abumiftah


    Dude, boober… you ROCK…

    That’s prefect cuz now I can rely on FAQ-tastic for the FAQ section and only depend on categories for News, so that would be the only set of dated posts, thus i could rename the Latest Posts to Latest news.

    I just wish I could find a good tutorial on how to organize stuff when depending on the static-pages.

    Thanks for your help so far guys.

    I just wish I could find a good tutorial on how to organize stuff when depending on the static-pages.

    what do you mean? sounds like youre only gonna have a handful of static pages. what are you trying to organize? a menu or something?

    Thread Starter abumiftah


    Yeah basically since it’s been a long time since I have used wordpress

    I wanted to know what ways I can use to make a more efficient navigation system for the information to be accessible easiest.

    Like where the sub-pages would be set up to be as a second evel of navigation if the pages are made as links on top…

    Or if there is a decent way to organize it in the sidebar…

    Basically I am trying to escape the “bloggy” look and yet not look too square like most small business sites are.

    I guess it’s best for me to put it up on a site and then ask for suggestions.

    a lot of that will depend on the theme you use.

    Like where the sub-pages would be set up to be as a second evel of navigation if the pages are made as links on top…

    Maybe something like this?

    Two level menus part 1

    Two level menus part 2

    Thread Starter abumiftah


    Perfect Moshu, that’s basically exactly what I wanted for the sidebar.

    Now I am just gonna take like two days and get this content set up and check back with any questions, if that sounds feasible to you guys.

    So far, I would again like to thank boober, multitalentedmommy and moshu.

    Thread Starter abumiftah


    Hey boober, do you know how to change the display of the FAQ that FAQ-tastic generates?

    It has some really bad defautl colors that are messing up my whole game plan. I’ve been reading through their site but don’t see where i can change the display options from

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