• Hi,

    I currently run a blog in a sub-directory. I wish to create multisites so that I can have two blogs (including the existing blog) as well as a site for my portfolio which would be the root, the blogs would be in sub-directories. All of which I wish to run from ONE admin panel.

    How would I go about either:
    1. Using my existing wp (2.9.2) site (which is in the sub-directory) to put it on the root and make a further two sites out of that install for the root portfolio and a second blog?

    2. Install WP 3.0 on the root and migrating what is currently on the WP 2.9.2 site in the sub-directory over to that 3.0 installation into one of the sites?

    I assume that (1) is out of the question because I read that at the start of the install you have to specify whether you wish for it to be multisite or not, in which case that may mean I cannot use that option.

    I just need some advice and clarification if at all possible.

    Many thanks,

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  • install 3. in the root

    have the main blog as your portfolio then create two more blogs in sub-directories for the other blogs you want..

    Thread Starter jonthomas83


    Thanks, if you think that’s the best option I’ll crack on when it gets released tomorrow. I just need to find a way to migrate from my 2.9.2 blog to that sub-directory blog on my 3.0 install.

    Many thanks

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    You could just move your existing 2.9.2 blog to root and then upgrade it to 3.0 and THEN split it into MultiSite (yes, you can) with your old blog as the main blog and new blogs as … new blogs ??

    or you use the export feature to export all posts and pages etc. Admittedly the rest you will have to do manually (there is a plugin to import links in categories) but it should save you some time..

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Basically? Lots of options ??

    Thread Starter jonthomas83


    Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated! I’m downloading WP 3.0 as we speak and am going to start afresh as my current blog has issues! I’m going to export as much as I can.

    Cheers again for the advice! ??

    Hi guys,

    I am trying to convert an existing blog into multisite so that I can then add several others.

    However when I look at the configure network panel I get this message:

    “Because your install is not new, the sites in your WordPress network must use sub-domains. The main site in a sub-directory install will need to use a modified permalink structure, potentially breaking existing links.”

    I want all my blogs to be in sub directories (because thats how they are arranged now).

    What should I do so that I can proceed with installing the multisite option using sub directories?

    Thanks in advance,

    I just want to make sure you understand that when you force it to use subdirectories in this case, it *will* stuff a /blog/ in the main site’s permalinks.

    Then you’ll need a plugin to remove it. ( here )

    And this won’t check for collisions between any pages on the main site and any extra sites with the same name.

    Yes, here be dragons. ?? Just making sure you’re armed.

    Ready? Do the create a network and let it use subdomains. After it’s all done, go back in wp-config. Find the line that says subdomains (TRUE), change it to FALSE. Use the plugin above.

    YMMV, offer void where prohibited. ??

    Thanks Andrea!

    I am just so scared of either breaking it or overwriting everything. I want a set up like your “atypicallife” with polishingpeanuts.com as the daddy and then my other blogs as polishingpeanuts.com/xxx, polishingpeanuts.com/yyy and so on added into the network, plus more in the future.

    Your suggestion above (creating it as subdomains and wiggling it afterwards), will my urls ultimately stay the same in this case? I am just thinking of all the existing links that point to posts etc

    Yours, most certainly trying not to bodge it,

    p.s. thanks for the tutorials of yours!

    First step: backup everything. The files and the db. this will give you everything you need for the Worst Case Scenario so you can restore the site to what it was.

    Second: it may be heartening to know that the atypicalife.net site was a stand-alone install originally in the /blog/ folder, with a second install in the /mam/ folder (that’s my mom’s). It did take an afternoon of work on a Saturday, and I did have to go changing some URLs in the db.

    (Also, my mom thinks I’m Flickr, so she had a ton of images I had to move around – I set this up while moving servers at the same time, because I like to make thing shard on purpose, I think. ?? )

    It shouldn’t overwrite anything on you.

    Thanks Andrea,
    Just need a few interrupted hours to do it……. Maybe I should wait till my little ones have left home…..12 years should do it ??

    See, that should have read UN-interrupted!!!!

    I already have all the IN-terrupted time I can handle……….

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