• Hello everyone,

    I’ve recently created a few (20+) plugins that are live on my site, but I’m not seeing much traffic or visibility for them. I’m also concerned that someone might try to hack the site and take the work I’ve put into developing these plugins.

    Does anyone have advice on:

    1. How I can increase visibility for my plugins and get them in front of a larger audience?
    2. What steps I should take to secure my site and protect my plugins from unauthorized access or theft?

    Any tips or experiences would be really helpful. Thanks in advance!

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  • Moderator James Huff


    The best way to get your WordPress plugins discovered is to add them to the official repo: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/developers/

    Thread Starter sequii2016


    any chance I can talk to someone? I don’t want to give everything out for free?

    • This reply was modified 1 week ago by sequii2016.


    If you want to host the plugins yourself, you will need to do your own promotion. They won’t be available through any of the “official” www.ads-software.com channels.

    As far as securing your site, you can check out these general recommendations. If you mean more that you want to make sure that no one “steals” the code for your plugins, that’s going to be harder, but also goes against the GPL, which plugins have to follow due to WordPress’s licensing. That means that they have to be open source and can be copied by anyone that wants to create a new copy/version/fork of them. Depending on what their functionality is, this may not be an issue, but it’s up to you to decide for yourself.

    Thread Starter sequii2016


    Thanks, @catacaustic! I appreciate the insights. I’ve created around 30 new plugins and can see some of the points you’re making. It wasn’t difficult to edit the files to meet these standards, but I was hesitant to post anything without fully understanding. Since I’m new to this, I’m just working on getting a better understanding. So, if I post my plugins here WordPress Developer Plugins, after they’re reviewed, they’re available on the front end for people to download and use freely? Is this mainly just for exposure, without any form of compensation? Apologies, I’m just trying to understand because I see people selling their add-ons.

    • This reply was modified 5 days, 19 hours ago by sequii2016.
    • This reply was modified 5 days, 19 hours ago by sequii2016.
    • This reply was modified 5 days, 19 hours ago by sequii2016.
    • This reply was modified 5 days, 19 hours ago by sequii2016.
    • This reply was modified 5 days, 19 hours ago by sequii2016.

    Adding plugins on the WordPress repository is partly about giving back and partly for the increased exposure. If you want to sell the plugins, that’s great, but you won’t be able to list them with WordPress.

    Listing them on her means that you take all of the hassle out of updates, there’s an already-built support system and you are adding to the community. The bard parts is that you have to adhere to the standards and you won’t be able to sell anything.

    Listing them yourself on your own (or a third-party) website means that you have to take care of all updates yourself, which means your own update server, and you have complete control over your own code and how it’s formatted and what it’s used for. The downsides are that you don’t get the repository listings as you do here and unless you do a lot of active advertising, you might not sell much, if anything at all.

    Please note that I’m not a member of the plugins team so I can’t say exactly what they would and wouldn’t require, so if you need more information it’s worth joining the WordPress slack and checking in there as that seems to be the best place from what I’ve seen around the forums.

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