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  • Ummmmm. Ask YouTube? Only API key I’m aware of is if you’re using akismet….

    same here…. i am desperately seeking a way to post my videos on to my self-hosted wordpress blog… i was able to post to my wordpress blog though with the api assigned to my account.
    However there does not seem to exist one for self-hosted?

    Take a trip through this post about a plugin – I don’t know that it will help you with the api thing, but you never know…..

    I’m not trying to be dense here, but…

    I don’t have any problem posting YouTube vids to my personally hosted WP blog…

    Just copy in the stuff they have at youtube in the “Embed” field into a new post (in the standard editor, not the wysiwyg), give it a title and publish…

    works for me…

    Am I missing the point of the question entirely?

    (I just tested it on my site to make sure,

    I dunno…. I don’t do video at all myself, I was just assuming from the number of posts lately that it IS a problem…. *shrug*

    Not entirelly sure about this, but it seems like to me that at one point this was a problem (maybe sometime around the 1.5 build time frame) but I haven’t had any problems with it in any of the 2.x builds…

    once again just me…

    To clarify dtclarinet’s question: for some reason, the WP Self-Hosted option asks for an API key when, well, WP self-hosted installs don’t really have them.


    i’m with you guys. I’m looking for an API key and can’t find one

    for some reason, the WP Self-Hosted option asks for an API key when, well, WP self-hosted installs don’t really have them.

    Huh? I’m self-hosted. Where would I see this YouTube API key request?

    >Huh? I’m self-hosted. Where would I see this YouTube API key request?

    1) Log into your You Tube Account
    2) Go to “My Account”
    3) “Account Settings” -> “Video Posting Settings”
    4) “Add a Blog/Site”
    You will see under Specific Blog Host Requirements “WordPress Self-Hosted: Requires an API key and the API URL (https://your blog’s URL/xmlrpc.php).”

    If you select Blog-Service it justs wants Username and Passsword.

    If you select WordPress Self-Hosted it will also demand API URL and API Key.

    So…. where does the API key for self-hosted WordPress come from? Or is this just a collusion between YouTube and to keep people from going Self-Hosted?

    Try a search using keywords API, endpoint, xmlrpc – there was some stuff a while back about the “API endpoint” and the xmlrpc.php file. Perhaps this is what youtube is really looking for/meaning?

    Here’s an idea: Register for a username on, and use the API key that gives you. If it works, then there you go.

    Or is this just a collusion between YouTube and to keep people from going Self-Hosted?

    You’re joking, right?

    The words “API Key” in the YouTube instructions are linked to

    I’d say YouTube are confused.

    I’ve come up with this same problem. Youtube asks for username, password, API Key, API URL. I tried using the API Key from a account, and it just goes to “Getting information from your blog…” and keeps refreshing indefinately.

    Has anyone found a way to get this working?

    Ignore what YouTube tell you, and use a plugin such as Viper’s Video Quicktags to include YouTube (and other) videos in your posts.

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