• webexpert0143


    Hi Support,

    I am Creating a custom theme for www.ads-software.com. So I need CPT but theme doesn’t allow me to do that acc to wordpress code standard. But I use your plugin as depedency.

    But i didn’t get any way to create a Custom Post type by code. I manulaly create a json file. But no such good way get to import that json file after plugin actaivtaion.

    Could you please help me out in this.

    Thank You

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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Not quite sure what to suggest here. The only import functionality that we have with the plugin is going to be for content type settings, via the /wp-admin/admin.php?page=cptui_tools menu and the “Post Types” and “Taxonomies” tabs where you can import blobs of JSON-encoded settings.

    Thread Starter webexpert0143


    OK, Thank You for the reply. Is there any another way in code end.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Outside of registering the content types yourself with the theme, no not really, and apparently the coding standards for submitted themes don’t allow for providing custom ones by default, which is something I had never heard of previously, but I also don’t have any themes in the repo.

    Any ideas I come up with now would most likely require site owner intervention to both install a plugin and then perform the import themselves. Nothing that would be automated by you, the theme developer.

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