Hi @pdosev,
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, I do understand SiteGround’s reasoning behind the location of your “SG Plugins” setting location.
As good as SiteGround is with developing filters for so many functions (as shown in your plugin’s Details section), I’m surprised that — as a courtesy — SiteGround does not want to develop one for this request. In my opinion, it shouldn’t take long to develop one.
As you know, when plugins are updated and/or reinstalled, data collection buttons are “magically” activated without a website owner’s cognizance. Ergo, the reason for my request (and perhaps many others).
As a last resort, can you guys provide the URL of the HTPP Outgoing Call when data is being requested by your servers? I can work with that.
Until then, you can close this topic as “Resolved.” I sincerely hope you guys will consider providing the filter or code snippet requested in the near future.
And by the way, not picking on you guys, we request the same from any other developer that has a tracking or data collection feature embedded in their plugin. So far, they’ve been kind to provide one.
For example, Yoast has developed this particular code snippet for its customers:
* Enable Yoast SEO data tracking
add_filter( 'wpseo_enable_tracking', '__return_false' );
Again, thank you.