jvazjr1979, can be be more specific about what you don’t know how to do?
If you can let us know which part you can’t do I (or we) can write detailed instructions for a step-by-step process.
Try to follow the following steps and if you still aren’t sure let us know.
1. Open up notepad on your computer and save the blank document as page.php (not page.php.txt). Minimize this window and open your brower.
2. Log into your host control panel. Go to your ftp folder (where all your files are stored), go to /wp-content/ -> /themes/ -> /whichever theme is the theme you are using/ -> open the index.php file.
3. Copy (highlight all content then press ctrl + c) the content and paste it into the blank notepad file you created earlier titled page.php
4. Once you have it pasted (ctrl + v) press ctrl + f and search for comments_template. When you find it delete “<?php comments_template(); ?>” then save the file
5. Return to your ftp folder and upload the page.php file.
Complete ??
If you are unsure about the technical stuff like how to access your ftp folder call your hostcompanies technical support line. All hosting companies are set up differently so they are the best ones to walk you through that process.
Hope this helps ?? let us know if it doesn’t