Welcome to your site! This is your homepage, which is what most visitors will see when they come to your site for the first time.”
I’m trying to figure out how to delete this. I’ve gone through all the theme files in the editor section and I can’t seem to find it, or even the directory where I can edit the homepage.
I’ve contacted technical support for this theme (Astra), but other than suggesting it might be from a page-builder (which makes no sense to me) they were little help.
Can anyone help with this? Thank you.
]]>Assuming your WP installation is in public root. If not, the path will need adjustment. The main point is to try to edit post ID 8 (it’s apparently actually a WP page, not a post, but edit links call it a “post” anyway).
]]>However, now that I was able to delete the text and edit the homepage, can anyone take a look at my page (canyoningworldwide.com) and tell me how to:
1.) raise and center the ‘home’ page/div/container so it’s just under the header
2.) delete the word ‘home’
Thank you very much.
@joy – do you know which theme file edits the homepage? Or do I just edit it through the WP page titled ‘home’?
Thanks for the help.
]]>.home #primary { margin: 0.7em 0; }
Tip: If you learn to use your browser’s CSS inspector tool, you may be able to figure out things like this yourself ??
Your Astra theme apparently uses the page.php template for your home page and all WP pages. The “Home” appears to be the arbitrary title for the page applied by the theme. It can be suppressed with the ‘astra_the_default_home_page_title’ filter. To add your own filter and protect it from theme updates, you should create a child theme or custom plugin to contain your filter code. Either sounds ominous, but are in fact fairly simple to create.
The filter code is simple:
// suppress 'Home' title on home page
add_filter('astra_the_default_home_page_title', '__return_empty_string');
It can go in functions.php of a child theme or main PHP file of a custom plugin. You can place it in functions.php of Astra, but it will disappear when the theme is updated.