need help for fix ads not shows
I need help. I set up the advance ads plugin and it auto connect to my google adsense account. I figure out post the html code not working. I only can see the picture ads from advance ads at post page. that picture ads unable auto shows by code snipper that I paste. just look like advance ads not working auto. how to fix such kind of problem.
Hi wanglushou9,
Thanks for reaching out.
You already connected Advanced Ads with your AdSense account. Did you also activate the checkbox to enable Auto Ads in Advanced Ads > Settings AdSense?
Our Google AdSense Auto Ads manual also shows a short video of how to embed the Auto ads.
Best regards,
Hi, Joachim,
I already connected advanced ads wirh my adsense account. I also activate the checkbox to enable auto ads in advanced ads as video shows. however, my website page still not shows picture. why?
Hi Mei,
Thanks for your reply.
I understand the image ads are showing up, and your issue is related to AdSense auto ads. If this is the case, there can be several reasons why these ads do not appear. We list all known reasons in this manual.
I would appreciate it if you could share a link to your website to let me take a look if the Auto ads script is correctly embedded there.
Best regards,
Hi, Joachim,
I received advance ads email about notice fail because it is block because having low flow。
Hi wanglushou9,
Sorry, I don’t understand.
What kind of email did you receive?
I would appreciate it if you could share a link to your website to let me take a look if the Auto ads script is correctly embedded there.
Best regards,
when I checked site health, I saw the message said “I installed one theme already. you have not default theme, wordpress will auto use default theme when your them have problems. ” at this sentence problems are what kind of problem. I saw that theme has missing contact page. also, I post adversitement ads code in header.php section at theme code editor, but it not shows picture at the webpage too when I reviewed the page. Do you why? how to fix such kind of problems?
hi, Joachim,
I don’t know why your option here can not attached any image or screenshot picuture. the link my website:
this link you only can see the what we can see the on we page only.
my email received let me copy and paste to you:
Re: ads not showing up (Advanced Ads)
发件人Thomas Maier收件人Admin日期2023-03-19 17:10 Summary 信头 纯文本 为了保护您的隐私,远程资源已被屏蔽。允许 Hi there, Thomas here, the developer of Advanced Ads and publisher for over 10 years. I am sorry to read that you were not able to place ads using Advanced Ads. My team and I are looking into any of these cases, free of charge since I believe that there is a learning in each case and the more information I can gather, the better I can help future users. If you are not sure whether you missed something or the ad network has an issue or anything else, please just reply to this email and I will take a look. Troubles with your AdSense account
If AdSense does not verify your site or you are getting blocked because of "invalid traffic" then feel free to try an AdSense alternative:the advense ads plugin active now but just not show ads on the website page that I don’t know why? in fact, my accoung contact with google adsense account already of course it verify my site. how to fix inv alid traffice?
Re: ads not showing up (Advanced Ads)
发件人Thomas Maier收件人Admin日期2023-03-19 17:10 Summary 信头 纯文本 为了保护您的隐私,远程资源已被屏蔽。允许 Hi there, Thomas here, the developer of Advanced Ads and publisher for over 10 years. I am sorry to read that you were not able to place ads using Advanced Ads. My team and I are looking into any of these cases, free of charge since I believe that there is a learning in each case and the more information I can gather, the better I can help future users. If you are not sure whether you missed something or the ad network has an issue or anything else, please just reply to this email and I will take a look. Troubles with your AdSense account
If AdSense does not verify your site or you are getting blocked because of "invalid traffic" then feel free to try an AdSense alternative:Hi, Joachim,,
this is email that I received. in fact, adsense account connect with my google adsense account already. HOW to fix invalid traffic? my site link you will not see the problem. designed inside wedget ads, but not see it in the website screen.
Hi, Joachim,
I try screenshot to shows you problem but don’t know why image can not attached any pictures or screenshot. the message said because of picture size. I don’t quick know that I have attach screenshot and pictures to any email not problem but here. “File uploading is disabled. Please use an image block and an external image URL.”this sentense are what I see when I attached picture or screenshot.
Hi Mei,
Thanks for your replies.
The Site Health is not related to Advanced Ads, we provide an option that sounds similar: Ad Health.
I post adversitement ads code in header.php section at theme code editor, but it not shows picture at the webpage too when I reviewed the page. Do you why? how to fix such kind of problems?
You can post ad codes manually into your header.php, but Advanced Ads also covers this task.
I checked your website and can confirm that you correctly embedded the AdSense Auto ads code multiple times and a manually integrated AdSense ad. I recommend having more patience with AdSense because everything is fine from a technical point of view.
in fact, adsense account connect with my google adsense account already. HOW to fix invalid traffic? my site link you will not see the problem.?
If AdSense approves your website and you don’t see any warning in your account in AdSense > Policy Center, you don’t need to worry about invalid traffic. See this post for insights into invalid traffic and how to prevent it.
To upload screenshots, I recommend free services like imgur. Uploading images when writing a post here is not possible yet.
Best regards,
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