NEED HELP removing Info Tags
My site is:
Yes, I have a blog and not a .com.
I used the “Digg 3 Column” template.
I want to remove all of the tags at the top and bottom of a blog post COMPLETELY. I don’t want anything to show. I want the “Posted by..” and “Filed Under” info gone.
I’ve tried several things but nothing has worked. It’s still there.
Here is the complete style-sheet for your review. Anyone that can help would be my hero..and would save my computer from a meeting with a sledge-hammer. Thanks!!!
Theme Name: Digg 3 Columns
Theme URI:
Description: Digg-like 3 Columns WordPress theme created by Small Potato ( Re-released under GPL.
Version: 1.0.2
Author: Small Potato
Author URI:
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color: #546477;
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color: #546477;
}form#commentform small{
font-size: 11px;
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