• Hi I paid a friend’s company to construct my website using wordpress.
    I am not longer in contact with that company and I want to login as administrator.

    Upon login my password was not recognized, so I followed the instructions to “reset password”, and I was told a new password would be emailed to me.

    I received no email, and it is due to the fact that whomever created my website did not have MY email address, so this new password is getting sent to ???

    PLEASE give me a way I can reset my login info and email address, thank you

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  • Can you access your website administration? I don’t mean your WP admin, but the back-end of your domain. Your hosting company should have given you the details when you opened an account.

    If you don’t have that info any more, contact your host about it.

    Once you can access your website admin, you want to find out how you can edit your database. Since there are many different server programs, it’s hard to be specific. But a lot of them have a tool called phpMyAdmin. (In case you’ve got cpanel: there is a phpMyAdmin icon on the main page; in older version you have to click the MySQL databases icon first and then scroll to the bottom of the page that opens to find the link.)

    Access your database through phpMyAdmin. Select the WP database from the leftside dropdown menu. You should see a table with at least 15 rows; the bottom one is wp_users (there might be something different in front, but it definitely ends on users).

    In the next column you’ll see an icon looking like a little menu. This is the browse button. Click it and it will open all the data inside the users table.

    The first row will contain the administrator data. To edit this, click on the pencil icon. You’ll see your login name, email address and a line of hashed code which is your password. You can change these and then click the ‘Go’ button underneath.

    If you want to change your password here, just delete the hashed stuff. Type in the password you want (no dictionary words or combinations of your name, initials, birthdate etc!). Then select ‘MD5’ from the dropdown menu that’s next to the password field on the left. This will encrypt your password again after saving it.

    Once you’ve done this, you should be able to access your WP admin again.

    If you cannot find any tool to access your database, ask your host about this. They should be able to help you out.

    Best of success!

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