here’s a simple plugin that will create a link after the content of any post where the slug is a match in a case/switch statement. You’ll need to edit the php and css to suit your needs as your request doesn’t have enough information to make something fully fleshed out.
the relevant code:
function add_category_button_tug23f8(){
$found = 0;
if(is_single()) {
global $post;
$postcat = get_the_category( $post->ID );
$slug = $postcat[0]->slug;
$url = '';
/* make the links */
switch ($slug) {
case 'pancakes':
$url = "/your-link-here/pancakes";
$found = 1;
case 'waffles':
$url = "/your-link-here/wafles";
$found = 1;
/* etc... */
add_filter('the_content', function ($content) use ($postcat, $url) {
/* make the button */
$after = '';
$after .= '<div class="acb-wrapper">'."\n";
$after .= '<a href="'. $url .'" class="acb-button">'. $postcat[0]->name .' Program</a>'."\n";
$after .= '</div>'."\n";
$content = $content . $after;
return $content;
}, 10, 2);
The important stuff here is eg:
case 'pancakes':
$url = "/your-link-here/pancakes";
found = 1;
You set each case with a slug, then you set the url variable per slug.
This might be a lot to do if you have a ton of categories you need this for but you didn’t provide any information as to your url structure or a link to your diabetes program.
This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by