• Ok – I’ve tried to hack and slash this but I just don’t know enough CSS to make sense of it all. If you check out my work in progress https://www.avalon5.com/wptest
    you will see that when you move from the main index page to either sub pages, or single/archive/cats etc. it doesn’t include sidebars.

    I know how to call in the sidebars on all pages, but unfortunately I don’t know enough CSS to handle the size difference. Right now, if I call in the sidebar on say page.php it displays ok, but the content displays below the sidebars because it’s too large to fit (I’m sure this is the way it’s defined in the CSS).

    Help please? Basically all I want to do is preserve the sidebar navigation on all pages on my site. What do I need to change in the CSS? Thanks in advance.


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  • Compare the html tags in your index.php and single.php!
    I bet in index you have div=content and in single div=singlecontent. They have different width defined in the stylesheet.
    If you want your single (and page template) to be the same as the index – just backup the page and single templates, then save your index as singe.php and page.php

    Thread Starter c0y0te


    I wish it were that simple:)

    That doesn’t work. When I replace page.php with a copy of index.php it still hits the same issue (namely the content is displayed at the bottom because it can’t fit between the sidebars.

    Any other suggestions folks?

    Then there mist be something in the header.php – an if_statement that says do this or that if it is single or a page… I know the default has this kind of stuff as well as many clones.

    Thread Starter c0y0te


    I couldn;t see any if statements in the header.php file.

    I’ve managed to shrink the sidebars and increase the content area of the main body, but I still can’t get it to squish in with sidebars anywhere except index.php.


    Saving the index.php as single.php and as page.php, respectively, DOES work. Just tested on a local install ??
    The only thing you’ll have to modify is the comments section’s positioning and width (style). That’s why it goes down – but only in IE, not in FF. Furthermore, you should remove the call for the comments template from the page.php, but I thought that’s obvious.

    Thread Starter c0y0te


    Ok – I see what you’re saying. I’ve implemented some changes in page.php (check out the disclaimer link from the front page) and I think I’m on top of it now.

    That just leaves the nasty business of trying to figure out how to align / squish the comments piece for single and archive etc. Damn I wish I knew what I was doing in this CSS stuff.

    I’m also trying to get the front bit to align correcrtly. If you look at the two sidebars and the main post/content area on index.php – they are just out of alignment (content area starts lower for some reason). I’m going gradually blind pouring through CSS at the mo ??

    Thanks for the help thus far, I really do both need and appreciate it!

    What I always suggest: right-click > View Source. And check every line, portion etc. in what div, span, paragraph etc. are they wrapped in. Then find the reference in the stylesheet – and modify.
    The content area starts where it starts by design (you just added a top border, which isn’t necessarily better:)
    You can work further on page.php; e.g. I never leave there any date, category, author etc.

    Thread Starter c0y0te


    I’m at the stage where I’ve got it working except for comments. As soon as I call the comment using <?php comments_template(); ?> it buggers up the display.

    I know what I’ve got to do, but I’m struggling to see which bits of CSS relate to the comment stuff. I’m looking through comments.php at the mo and walking through each div class= statement. Wish me luck!! ??

    Thread Starter c0y0te


    OK – I think I’ve got it all sorted now. Moshu if you are still around can you glance in my direction and let me know if it looks ok please? Thanks a million.


    ps – trawling through CSS with no knowledge, lots of enthusiasm and too much caffine is a hell of a trip ??

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