I’m wondering if you are aware that you must distribute some files. I was having a similar issue with the UTW code, and then finally I stopped reading the instructions, and started following the graphical map.
These were some of the commands I had to run to get it correctly populated (I expanded in a directory at the same level as wordpress, then copied them over to avoid collisions)
cp -rf widgets/* ../widgets/
This directory didn’t exist in my wordpress version (latest and greatest) so I had to create it:
mkdir ../widgets/sciptaculous
wget https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/widgets.1.0.zip
unzip widgets.1.0.zip
cp widgets.1.0/scriptaculous/* ../widgets/sciptaculous/
cp widgets.1.0/classic/* ../../themes/classic/
cp widgets.1.0/classic/* ../../themes/default/
Here is where I found the graphical map of the UTW setup which allowed me to see where I was missing some files.
Be advised, I had to expand the old version of wordpress, then expand the new version of wordpress and copy it over the old. I replaced files where it asked me, and in doing so I somehow got a bunch of files not present in the newest installation.
Hopefully this did not confuse you more. But I did get the tag cloud working, so I know I did something right in this mess.
These were the elements I was missing, creating this structure in addition to the rest, and killing my browser temp files did the trick:
– themes
– classic
| functions.php (optional)
| sidebar.php (optional)
– default
| functions.php (optional)
| sidebar.php (optional)