My site is not live yet, so it isn’t accessible to the public.
1. If I use this code, or any variation removing the outside div or other classes besides modal-link:
<div class="header_mid_button_wrap"><a href="/member-login/" class="modal-link cmsmasters_button header_mid_button">test 1</a></div>
Then the box takes a LONG time to even open, and when it does it includes the menu bar, the page content and the footer.
2. If I use this code:
<div class="header_mid_button_wrap"><a href="" class=" cmsmasters_button header_mid_button">test 2</a></div>
It dims and the top of the white bar appears, with the X in the top corner, but no content ever loads. But if I actually go to the url of it does load, so the url is not the issue.
3. If I use this code, then the modal loads (thin white bar with the X in the corner” loads over every page, every time a page loads.
<div class="modal-link header_mid_button_wrap"><a href="/member-login/" class=" cmsmasters_button header_mid_button">test 2</a></div>
What I want to do is to have it so when they click my button, the popup appears immediately and displays the content from a page on my own site. But I cannot figure out what “Add a modal-link class to your link” in the documentation means if it isn’t how I used it in #1 above, nor can I figure out what is meant by “Use the “modal-link” URL parameter Example:” if it isn’t how I used it in #2 above.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by