Need SIMPLE step by step on how to implement Google AdWords Conversion Tracking
It has been months and I’m still trying to get Google AdWords Conversion Tracking Code to work with a WordPress Contact Form. Really super frustrating to say the least!
I have been using with Contact Form 7, but with their latest update it has simply become unusable for me. I was never able to get the conversion tracking to work. So I found your contact form and decided to give it a try.
Thank you for creating this contact form plugin! If I can get it to work with AdWords tracking, I’ll be thrilled and will be replacing Contact Form 7 with your contact form on all my sites and client sites and will definitely be donating!
What I need is a step-by-step SIMPLE explanation of how to implement Google AdWords Conversion Tracking code for your contact form including exactly where to put what script and how. You can even call it the “For Dummies Tutorial.” I don’t care as long as I can get help to get this to work.
I have read forum posts here: and here: but I’m still lost.
On to my challenge / issue.
My goal: To have a contact form on the website that works with Google AdWords conversion tracking. I don’t want the client to have to be taken to a separate Thank You Page after hitting the form submit button.
I want the Google AdWords conversion code to track when someone clicks on the Submit button of the contact form. That is the setting I have enabled in Google AdWords. I can provide a screen grab if needed.
What didn’t work:
I started with Contact Form 7
Instructions were to go here: Edit Contact Form > Formand paste this code in the Form Field above the form input code:
<!– Google Code for redacted Contact Form Conversion Page
In your html page, add the snippet and call
goog_report_conversion when someone clicks on the
chosen link or button. –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
/* <![CDATA[ */
goog_snippet_vars = function() {
var w = window;
w.google_conversion_id = redacted;
w.google_conversion_label = “redacted”;
w.google_conversion_value = 100.00;
w.google_conversion_currency = “USD”;
w.google_remarketing_only = false;
goog_report_conversion = function(url) {
window.google_conversion_format = “3”;
window.google_is_call = true;
var opt = new Object();
opt.onload_callback = function() {
if (typeof(url) != ‘undefined’) {
window.location = url;
var conv_handler = window[‘google_trackConversion’];
if (typeof(conv_handler) == ‘function’) {
/* ]]> */
<script type=”text/javascript”
</script>Then go to Edit Contact Form > Additional Settings
and paste this code:on_sent_ok: “jQuery(String.fromCharCode(60)+’img/’+String.fromCharCode(62)).attr(‘height’,’1′).attr(‘width’,’1′).css(‘border-style’,’none’).attr(‘src’,’’+google_conversion_id+’/?value=’+google_conversion_value+String.fromCharCode(38)+’label=’+google_conversion_label+String.fromCharCode(38)+’guid=ON’+String.fromCharCode(38)+’script=0′).appendTo(‘body’);”
This has NEVER worked for me.
Now I have installed Fast Secure Contact Form and have pasted the following code here:
Fast Secure Contact Form Settings > Advanced > Advanced Form Settings > Success page additional HTML:<!– Google Code for redacted Contact Form Conversion Page
In your html page, add the snippet and call
goog_report_conversion when someone clicks on the
chosen link or button. –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
/* <![CDATA[ */
goog_snippet_vars = function() {
var w = window;
w.google_conversion_id = redacted;
w.google_conversion_label = “redacted”;
w.google_conversion_value = 100.00;
w.google_conversion_currency = “USD”;
w.google_remarketing_only = false;
goog_report_conversion = function(url) {
window.google_conversion_format = “3”;
window.google_is_call = true;
var opt = new Object();
opt.onload_callback = function() {
if (typeof(url) != ‘undefined’) {
window.location = url;
var conv_handler = window[‘google_trackConversion’];
if (typeof(conv_handler) == ‘function’) {
/* ]]> */
<script type=”text/javascript”
</script>QUESTION 1: Is this the correct place to put that code? My goal is NOT to have a separate Thank You Page, but to have the conversion tracked once the person clicks the Submit button on the form.
So do I paste the Javascript code here: Fast Secure Contact Form Settings > Advanced > Advanced Form Settings > Success page additional HTML:
Or here: Fast Secure Contact Form Settings > Advanced > Advanced Form Settings > After form additional HTML:
Or somewhere else?
QUESTION 2: Where do I put this code?
on_sent_ok: “jQuery(String.fromCharCode(60)+’img/’+String.fromCharCode(62)).attr(‘height’,’1′).attr(‘width’,’1′).css(‘border-style’,’none’).attr(‘src’,’’+google_conversion_id+’/?value=’+google_conversion_value+String.fromCharCode(38)+’label=’+google_conversion_label+String.fromCharCode(38)+’guid=ON’+String.fromCharCode(38)+’script=0′).appendTo(‘body’);”Or do I even need this code for Fast Secure Contact Form?
QUESTION 3: In one of the help forums there is talk about this:
You should be able to use the settings: “Submit button input attributes” and “Form action attributes”.
Am I supposed to be doing something with that to get Google AdWords Conversion Tracking to work?
Also, I have already called Google AdWords support on this and they are no help. Their solution was to add a Thank You page or to not use WordPress and just use and HTML site. O.o
Even if I use a redirect to a Thank You page, which I don’t want to do… I’m still stuck with where do I paste all the code.
Thank you for your help.
~ Angela
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