• I have installed WordPress (was easy since it was a once click install from my host, DreamHost). I am now realizing how difficult the rest of this is going to be. I am hoping someone can talk to me via Yahoo Messenger about some of the many questions I have. I am on Yahoo 80% of the time so if you wouldnt mind lending me a huge hand in answering some of my questions I would greatly appreciate it. My Yahoo profile name is jayson_co.

    Thank you in advance,

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  • I would suggest that you post your problems here ?
    Just list a few at a time ..

    If you state your questions here, I’m sure you will get the help needed much faster.

    In other words we prefer it when Mohammed comes to the mountain. Less lifting that way.

    Moderator James Huff


    You may also find better/more answers if you post each question in its own thread.

    Thread Starter jayson_co


    I appreciate the quick replies. I will try my best, but please take into account my “newbie”ness.

    My site is : https://www.neverfaded.com
    I am looking to create a blog similar in look to this: https://coda.co.za/

    I like the layout of it. I have looked over many of the WordPress Templates that are avaliable to download, but I dont know if any are better to mess around with to get a similar look to the above site or not. I am leaning towards templates like China Red and Connections if I cannot find one that would offer a similar layout.

    I guess I need help figuring out how to install a new template (if this is te best spot to start???). How difficult is it to install a new template? Do you recommend any FTP program over another?

    I guess my other immediate questions that pop into my head are my MYSQL database <—– got no clue what that even is.
    Also what do i need to do with RSS – also got no clue about this either.

    I knew I was tackling a big job creating my first blog, which is also my first website altogether. I appreciate any help anyone can lend me.

    I also assure you I will probably have about 700 more questions.

    Thank you in advance (again),

    First up Welcome to WordPress. It can look neat right out of the box or with a good theme installed. What you want is a bit more advanced. It might be a good time to learn. Many folks use WP as a tool to get into html, CSS and then php.
    Realistically it is going to take time, and a lot of application. Sometimes new guys say *I want a blog like this* and the url is a 10 year experienced web designer.
    There are short cuts. There are folk willing to help. You could get your blog running then have a development install as well for hacking about in. Good luck.

    mySQL: Your host should detail that. So long as they let you have one for your account, it’s no problem

    RSS: that will take care of itself. For now, forget about it ??

    Templates ? Easy to drop in, and then what Root says.

    And only 700 more ? pah … you’ll be sorted in no time .


    What is your website address ?
    Who is your host ?

    Thread Starter jayson_co



    Thank you. I am doing it for the reason you describe – a good reason to get into html, CSS, and php.

    I am in no rush to have my site be as in depth as my insipration by tomorrow. I realize this a going to be a LONG process. I have been a graphic designer for 6 plus years, but have been only involved in print. Creating my own site, and being able to tweek and learn on it, was what I thought would be the best route to learning web design.

    I guess I am just looking to get up something that is similar in “bones” to the site I posted – learn what the “things” are in WordPress – like my MySQL database, RSS (Entries and Comments) and any other side things that would be helpful.

    Once I got up a “functioning” blog. The look and feel can move along more slowly.

    Thank you for your reply.

    Thread Starter jayson_co


    website address is https://www.neverfaded.com

    Host is DreamHost.

    Well you can go a very long way without any php at all. And there is absolutely no need to mess with the mysql barring a catastrophe. For design its html plus CSS. Should keep you busy ??

    Thread Starter jayson_co


    Any suggestions on a template that may be better looking than another as fas a style similar to the one I mentioned above?

    Thread Starter jayson_co



    Is there a post here that would detail how to install a new theme?

    Download the theme
    Unzip it
    Upload the resulting folder into the “themes” folder which is inside the “wp-content” folder

    Login to your blog
    click Presentation
    Look down that page
    Select new theme

    Should do it …

    Thread Starter jayson_co


    I appreciate your help Podz!

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