• Hello all,
    I need some plugin testers for the new version of wysi-wordpress. It uses the latest TinyMCE wysiwyg engine and includes a built-in image uploader/browser. IMHO, this engine is much better than htmlarea(which was used for the previous Wysi-Wordpress version).

    It takes about 1 minute to install, 4 minutes if you want to use the image uploader. I’ve fully tested it with the 1.5 nightly, but I need some 1.2 testers. It should work fine though. Let me know what ya think! ??


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  • wowie…! works smoothly!
    only one thing: it does not appear when writing new pages!

    Thread Starter Joe


    tzar: Whoops! I forgot to add the hook for the page editor in the original version. Ita€?s in there now. Just download the new 1.5 version and replace ONLY the file wysiwordpress.php in your plugins directory.

    Joe – i think you misunderstood: your plugin randomly produces carriage returns (\n) in the code, and wordpress then converts them into line breaks (

    Thread Starter Joe


    Denis- I did some Mozilla-testing and I now see what you mean. For some reason, the problem ONLY occurs in Mozilla!??? IE saves the content as it should.

    I will check into this.

    @ Joe: Thanks, works fine now…

    the thingy with FF hiccups my posts too… for now I am posting in IE and reading in FF… ?? but it’s worth the extra effort!



    Using FF we’re also seeing some major problems, it seems after posting a picture in a post sometimes the post content gets wiped out, the weird part is the wisiwyg windows still displays the pic & text but when I hit save, and reopen the post editing page it’s all gone, the post will just contain one or two br tags.

    Same on Mac OS X and Win2k, so it looks like FF specific.
    We’re also getting the same line break problems mentioned above with FF.

    Another problem, when posting pics, it uses a relative path to set the img src url, the url is correct for viewing the pic from an admin page, but not from the live blog page. I had to replace all img src url’s with absolute paths.

    For now I had to go back to htmlarea unfortunately, but I’ll do some more testing later to see if I can give you more useful info…

    Thread Starter Joe


    mosco and tzar: Yeah, the editor seems to bomb out in Mozilla-based browsers. Unfortunately, I’ve had to add an IE-only note to the download page :-(. Mozilla support is just a bit too flaky for now.

    mosco: As for the images thing- It sounds like you might have the wrong values set in plugins/ibrowser/config.php. The plugin should produce absolute links to images, and does in my testing blog. Recheck your lines 21 and 45 in config.php. These control the path to images.



    Hey Joe, thanks. I hope you can find a fix for ff, because it doesn’t seem to work at all in IE on Mac OS X, so it’s not usable for any Mac browser/user ??

    I checked again the paths for config.php in ibrowser. I have them set correctly as far as I can tell, line 21 I have the web site main url (with a trailing slash, i.e. https://site.com/), line 45 the blog dir + image directory path (wordpress/images/)
    I am still getting relative paths when inserting images, weird. Testing with both FF and IE6 on Win2k. Anything else I should check in the configs?



    could it be because my images are not in the standard wp-content folder? They are in my main wordpress dir /images (wordpress/images/)



    “… It uses the latest TinyMCE wysiwyg engine and includes a built-in image uploader/browser. IMHO, this engine is much better than htmlarea. …”

    Why not use FCKeditor. https://www.fckeditor.net/ it produces valid XHTML, runs in Mozilla, Firefox and IE, and also has an Image browser/uploader. Should be easily integrated into WordPress. It’s also LGPL’ed opensource.
    TinyMCE is certainly better than htmlarea, but FCKeditor beats them both. … just my 2c.


    Thread Starter Joe


    I’m having a problem troubleshooting the image paths thing since I can’t reproduce it and no one else has reported having the same problem :-(.
    Try this:
    1.Open up Wysi-Wordpress/wordpress.js
    2.Find the line:
    theme_advanced_toolbar_align : “left”,
    3.Just below that line, add this:
    relative_urls : false,
    4. Test out the editor to see if paths are fixed. If not, try adding this after the relative_urls line:
    remove_script_host : false,
    5. Test again.
    Be sure to open a new browser to test each time so that the javascript is reloaded, and you don’t get the unchanged cached version.

    Thread Starter Joe


    FCKeditor is good, but in my tests it seemed a bit slower to load than TinyMCE. Likewise the popups for link, etc. are a little slower.

    However, if the TinyMCE Mozilla problem can’t be fixed, I will probably put up an FCKeditor version for Mozilla folks.



    Well, yes FCKeditor has probably a little more bulk than TinyMCE and therefore takes longer to load, but you can specify if the whole editor should be loaded or just some of the features – probably having all editing features in WP would cause more harm than good anyway. Also FCKeditor checks for the browser-version before loading, might cause some delay as well.




    Tried your plugins, and meet some problems while using it.

    The ibrowser do not detect the images already present in my image folder. In addition, the upload module do not work. The messages say the module cannot be located.



    I’m having a problem troubleshooting the image paths thing since I can’t reproduce it and no one else has reported having the same problem :-(.
    Try this:
    1.Open up Wysi-Wordpress/wordpress.js
    2.Find the line:
    theme_advanced_toolbar_align : “left”,
    3.Just below that line, add this:
    relative_urls : false,
    4. Test out the editor to see if paths are fixed. If not, try adding this after the relative_urls line:
    remove_script_host : false,
    5. Test again.
    Be sure to open a new browser to test each time so that the javascript is reloaded, and you don’t get the unchanged cached version.

    Thanks for this…
    I was running this wonderfull plugin on a site with the blog at the root of the page, and was finding that the images would upload and look fine in the edit window, but when published, they had a different path.
    The images were supposed to be at ‘https://www.site.com/wp-content/uploads’ , but onced published I was seeing ‘https://www.site.com/index.php/wp-content/uploads’ .
    The fix listed above solved the problem. (on a windows hosting solution too)

    Thanks again Joe.

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