• https://www.ozzblog.kscb.net/

    I’m looking for a theme that allows a couple of things that I’m not getting from the one I’m using (Pop Music 1.0 by Hijo Design)

    I would like to be able to have YouTube videos show up ON the blog (right now all I can do is provide a link either via text or image)

    also I am having problems with line breaks / separation of topics .. there is no line break option and a space between images/text is only good for 1 update, once I update again I have to go pout the spaces in again before publishing again or it reverts to no spaces between items

    I would also like my pages listed via tabs at the top as opposed to a text link on the side.

    I appreciate any suggestions so I don’t have to spend megahours searching for the right combination

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  • Blake,

    I have a suggestion for the YouTube problem. I think you should be able to grab the embed code from YouTube and insert into the post in the html mode.

    In terms of the line breaks, I think that is a problem inherent in WordPress with the text editor that it comes with. It isn’t pretty, but I sometimes use a placeholding period “.” to hold my line break. I also will place =========== lines in the post sometimes to divide sections of posts.

    In terms of the tab issue, maybe you could find a page tab plugin or custom navigation plugin.

    I hope some of this helps.


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