Sorry, if I’m asking on the wrong forum. I thought it was ok because the questions are related to transparency. If I’m in the wrong place, just let me know. Thanks again for all the help.
If not:
The codes you gave are perfect. Because of the transparency, I have to edit the font color for each page to white through the page editor. No problem. I still have the following problems/Can you please help he to change the following problems?:
1. Each page has a heading/name. I can’t edit the font color for them either.
Example: I’ve got a “Services” page that has the “Services” still in black, on the page. This is the same for all my pages.
2. I’ve got a contact form too. Each section of the form’s headings are still black.
3. At the bottom of each page there’s a “Share this:” section. That phrase: “Share this:” is still black.