Thanks for reaching out @luckyankit.
If you’re using Site Kit to place your Google Analytics code then it will use this same property for your Web Stories. There is, however, a workaround you can apply by following the steps below:
- Manually insert your Google Analytics snippet on your site, by pasting the code into a child themes header.php file or using a third party plugin. This should be the property you want for your site (not your Web Stories associated property – screenshot | instructions).
- Revisit your Analytics settings within Site Kit and ensure Site Kit has not placed your Google Analytics snippet. There will be a mention that an existing Analytics snippet has been found on your site. Please ensure that you are connected to this Analytics property, as Site Kit will data data from this property within the Site Kit dashboard.
- When you visit your Web Stories settings, you can then manually enter your preferred Google Analytics property measurement ID.
Let me know if you have any questions with the above.