The heading changed in live site. It didn’t in staged site. So that was odd. Maybe a staging issue with WPE. All set there.
My suggestion is to create the ability to have the user, me in this case, be able to use a shortcode if they’d like to place comments in a different location. Like we do on Shopify. We have a client that uses an accordion to display info, their last one is reviews. You can’t do that unfortunately with Woocommerce but we are using Visual Composer and your plugin. In order for them to use the Accordion to display reviews I have to shut off the tab to the default area for Woo Reviews and then use another plugin just to make comments enabled as a shortcode.
It would be better suited if I didn’t have to use so many plugins to get one thing. Know what I mean?
I’m using 3 plugins to get where I want to go and it works beautifully. Your plugin is amazing in that it creates a promo code and throws those into coupons. I love that. Now it would be even more amazing if you gave the user the ability to use a shortcode.
You could even set a shut off for woo default reviews, I code them out though. Most themes have a shut off already so that’s not a big deal. Creating a shortcode would be amazing.