• So all these 5 star reviews were paid for ?
    Because this plugin is far from perfect.

    Overall it’s not a bad plugin, but:
    1. the template everyone would probably wanna use (and use most often) is not free, probably on purpose and i understand why, the developer needs to eat too, but this plugin is not ready to be sold yet.
    2. there are no padding or margin options for elements/blocks, they are not even available for the PRO version.
    3. what you design and what you end up with are slightly different, mainly the problem is everything shifts up about 15-20px compared to your design, this might be caused by the theme i used. I’m sure there are ways to stop the theme’s styling from influencing the popup’s styling.
    4. the Preview function only shows changes from the last save, so if you open a template, work on it for 1 hour and hit preview you will see none of that work, this is not how WordPress post and pages previews work. It’s still helpful just not consistent with WordPress.(i guess it reminds you to save)
    5. the default font is 13px ? are you kidding ? that’s way to small, should be 15-16px.
    6. the way you edit text is all sorts of f*cked up, there are basically 3 ways, once when you click on it, you have some very basic and global settings, then you have the Advanced Editor with more features, but none of them works with Shift+Enter to move the text down 1 line but not add a space like normally hitting Enter would, this can only be done in the 3rd way to edit text, the text/html view/editor which you get to by double clicking on the text, if this didn’t exist i would have stopped using this plugin in 3 minutes.
    7. The popup roundness and the border roundness don’t match, so no matter what radius you set it to there will always be a gap between them in the corners.
    8. and lastly the biggest problem is the frequency settings, they are horrible.
    If you set it to show 5 times, it will show 5 times in the same session, so if someone visits your site, sees the popup on the home page and closes it, the very next page they go to they will see it again, and again, and again, until they hate your guts and will never visit your site ever again.
    Setting it to “completes goal” basically means ‘show it once’ (per lifetime), which is the most usable one, but my clients would prefer it to show once a day, a setting like that is kinda what the Pro version offers, so without that Pro feature this plugin is kinda unusable, unless you like annoying your visitors and making sure they never return.

    Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of good things about it too, like the fact that you can design a mobile version of the popup, which can be similar to the desktop version or completely different.
    The tour at the beginning was a nice touch but poorly made, i stopped watching after 10 seconds because i couldn’t follow it anymore, reading the quickly changing text in the bottom while also trying to see where the cursor is moving to and doing on page is just not doable.
    I also like the different types you can have, like the topbar, etc.

    Please be polite: discrimination is not allowed on www.ads-software.com

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Yui.
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  • Plugin Author Brave



    Thanks for your insightful feedback.

    So all these 5 star reviews were paid for ?

    I assure you, they are not. Most of our users love the plugin becuase of its flexibility and they find it better compared to other plugins in the market.

    And i’m guessing the developer of this plugin is Indian and he will not understand even half of what i said.

    Although you are not correct, don’t you think assuming “Indians don’t understand English” is stereotypical and condescending?

    1. It would be great if you could let us know which templates you think should be in the free version and we will try to make them available.

    2. Brave does not work like a page builder. It works more like Photoshop and other design tools. Since you can position them anywhere, there is no need to add margin/padding to elements. I you want space around your elements, just position them as you want.

    3. We have made some improvements in the last version that prevents the theme styles to conflict with the popups. But some theme may add custom css

    4. We will try to make the Preview function work without having to save it first.

    5. We will try to change the default value to 15.

    6. The text element were meant to be edited by double clicking it. And shift+enter only works in rich text editor, which the text element is not. You can press enter to create a new line.

    7. Thanks for letting us know, we will look into this issue.

    8. We will try to make that PRO feature available in the free.


    8. We will try to make that PRO feature available in the free. << This is hilarious bro. ??

    Thread Starter JoeGP


    @mohsinworld yeah that did sound sarcastic or something, but i don’t think it was on purpose, but frankly it’s a feature that is free in most other popup plugins and the plugin is kinda unusable without it.

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