Let me illustrate. Let’s say you need to build a page with content that shows differently for each membership level. So, you build a three point outline of content.
No membership is needed for level one.
Level two only shows up, or is grayed over, until you become a member as is level three.
Level three is grayed over if you are a member at level two.
So the code would look like this:
Level One Content.
[PMP Level 2]Level Two Content.[/PMP Level 2]
[PMP Level 3]Level Three Content.[/PMP Level 3]
Every other membership software I have used shows these codes when you open that level of membership in the admin. You want to place something on a page that is protected, you go to the membership plugin and open that level of membership and there are the short codes. You cut and paste. Make a new membership level? On the edit page of that membership level are the short codes for that new membership.
Does Paid Memberships Pro offer any help to know what the short codes are? Nope. Can you figure it out? If you are a short code expert. Where is the link to go and find how to use their software? No clue.
I opened a ticket to ask and they gave me one piece of code. Do I have to open a ticket for every piece of code I need? Why not make it easy and have the short codes available on each membership level after it is created? That’s what you need when making use of their software. It’s not there.
There is probably a document in their support website to help you figure it all out, but every time I search and read their documentation I waste an hour and come away empty handed.
So, the truth is, Paid Membership Pro is awesome software for the programmers who made it and for people who grew up with it, but if you are switching to it, DON’T do it!