• michelv


    Some hours of wrestling with pMachine’s slightly weird db schema, and some debugging later, I got this converter done.
    To convert a blog with it, you first need to install WordPress from CVS, then edit the file to put your pMachine database info, then load that file (rename it as .php and put it in your wp-admin directory) in your browser.
    The conversion could take some time (a dozen seconds for a huge blog), depending on your blog’s number of entries/comments.
    What it does:
    – converts a pMachine 2.3 blog’s entries, categories, users, and comments (and trackbacks and pingbacks) to WordPress 1.2-alpha (cvs)
    – users are converted with level 0, so you’ll have to log in as admin to raise their levels
    – ‘closed’ entries are converted as ‘draft’ entries
    – preferences that have a WP equivalent are converted
    What it still lacks:
    – an actual interface, like the one used for other importers
    – a way to translate pMachine users’ levels to their closest WP equivalents (need info)
    – some more testing ??
    – it was done from a free version of pMachine 2.3, so I’m not sure of how well it should work with the multiweblogs (not free) version, though there is a blog id variable that you can set to choose the blog to convert

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  • I’ve just written a post describing my own experience switching from pMachine Pro 2.3 to WordPress 1.5. Thought some people here might find it interesting:


    Howdy…thanks for the walk through on the pMachine to WordPress process. Wondering if you (or anyone) has run into problems transferring archives or other stuff. When I ran the script it transferred the entries, but not the comments, the archives, nor do the catagory links that it loaded (it did see my catagory comments at least)

    Any thoughts? I really want to move away from pMachine, but I want to retain my archives and comments. Thanks!

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