• Resolved michelinium


    Zatím jsem podobnou funkci na stránkách ?e?il javascriptem a ?e?ení p?es tento plugin by se mi líbilo víc. Ale nejde mi změnit nastavení. Kdykoli stisknu tla?ítko Ulo?it změny na stránce Nastavení/Zobrazování, tak se v?e vyprázdní. Zkou?el jsem to ve WP 3.6.1 a 3.3.1.

    Tady je vypis z databáze po “ulo?ení”:

    (27411,	'zalomeni_options',	'a:9:{s:21:\"zalomeni_prepositions\";N;s:26:\"zalomeni_prepositions_list\";N;s:21:\"zalomeni_conjunctions\";N;s:26:\"zalomeni_conjunctions_list\";N;s:22:\"zalomeni_abbreviations\";N;s:27:\"zalomeni_abbreviations_list\";N;s:16:\"zalomeni_numbers\";N;s:16:\"zalomeni_matches\";a:0:{}s:21:\"zalomeni_replacements\";a:0:{}}',	'yes'),
    (27412,	'zalomeni_version',	'1.2.4',	'yes'),
    (27417,	'zalomeni_prepositions_check',	'',	'yes'),
    (27418,	'zalomeni_prepositions_list',	'',	'yes'),
    (27419,	'zalomeni_conjunctions_check',	'',	'yes'),
    (27420,	'zalomeni_conjunctions_list',	'',	'yes'),
    (27421,	'zalomeni_abbreviations_check',	'',	'yes'),
    (27422,	'zalomeni_abbreviations_list',	'',	'yes'),
    (27423,	'zalomeni_numbers_check',	'',	'yes');


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  • These are English language forums, so please use English. Alternatively, use a WP support forum in your language.

    Thread Starter michelinium


    These are English language forums, so please use English. Alternatively, use a WP support forum in your language.

    Hello Esmi, are you somehow involved in development in this plugin? Sorry, I haven’t seen this rule before. The author is native Czech speaking and my post was pointed to him. Here is an English resume:
    Whenever I activate the plugin and press Save settings on wp-admin/options-reading.php page all the settings for plugin disappear (checks & text fields). Tested on 3.6.1 &?3.3.1 WP versions. Dump from SQL database follows…

    are you somehow involved in development in this plugin?

    No but I am one of the forum moderators here.

    The author is native Czech speaking

    Then by all means, please use use a WP support forum in your language but these forums are for the English-speaking WordPress community.

    Plugin Author honza.skypala


    Vy?e?eno v pluginu verze 1.3

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