Netflix plugin request
I saw this on a blog in use and it’s really something I would like to have for WP. ?? Any takers?
I’ve implemented Oscars hack using a php include to include the netflix.php file into my menu. I’m not a programming genius (heck, I’m not even a programming idiot, yet. :-)). Anyone know how to limit the number of listed items? Currently Oscars script defaults to all. That can be a very long list.
Thanks!rsbenedict: not sure if anyone helped you on this or not but I used the old netflix plugins before Oscar did all the great work to add all the functionality he did and I wanted to limit the list too. Here is what you need to do.
after line 26 which is: my $out = ”;
add another line: my $i = 1;
then change this line: while ($c =~ m!s=bd>(.*?)</tr>!sg) {
to: while ($c =~ m!s=bd>(.*?)</tr>!sg && $i < 11) {
change 11 to one more than however many you want displayed
finally, after the print line, add another line with: $i++;
I use this along with a hack of the netflix outstanding plugin I made with my WP testing site which I haven’t publicized yet, and it works perfectly.Brett, your sidebar looks great! How in the world did you get your movies you have at home on there? I looked at the code and didn’t see a place to change that. Any help would be great. ?? I really want to put that on my Netflix page as well as pull it into the sidebar with an include.
To get the movies at home part, I took Oscar’s netflix-outstanding plugin from MT and hacked it down to match up with the netflix.cgi he created and called it netflixo.cgi then in my index.php file I include each one seperately. If you’re interested, I can send you the netflixo.cgi file and the quick instructions to add it in.Hi, Brett!
I would love to have your code for netflixo.cgi and then the additional code in index.php.
I’ve recently purchased a book on PHP and am trying to learn, but it’s slow going. Disecting good code helps me a lot!
JoshI put the code up at Just save that file, change the name to netflixo.cgi and put it in your cgi-bin directory with the netflix.cgi from Oscar’s code.
Once you have that, create a second .dat file (I use netflixo.dat) with the same permissions you have for the netflix.dat file.
Finally, make a copy of the code you used above to display the queue and change the $filename line to point to the new .dat file and the $output line to point to the new .cgi file and put it in your index.php where you want the outstanding queue to appear.
Hopefully that works, I set it up a month ago so I’m trying to remember if I changed anything else.Thanks Brett! I will have to try that this week! ??
Works perfectly, thank you Brett!! ??
Does anyone have a copy of Oscars Netflix plugin/hack/phpthingy they could upload or send me? His server seems to be down and I’m too impatient to wait for it to come back up. Thanks.
has anyone integrated this in to WP Plugins yet?
I’d love to see this…
matI have a very basic Netflix pluging I am just finishing up — I guess the functions could go in the hacks file eventually or into the WP Plugins file if it was deemed quality enough. The only issue with it I have is that it does not store a local copy of the data, merely goes and gets the RSS from netflix whenever the page is loaded.
If thats not an acceptable solution I would be happy to post the code, and let ya’ll adapt it as soon as I have finished tidying it up. At the moment I am only displaying the recent rental activity rather than my whole queue and have nixed the descriptions (they create problems with my template). Not much to see really but its there. I’ll throw together a function set that can be used by anybody in the next day or so.
As for SouthernGirl in this very thread … tis a shame we have people that only take and never give. If the people that create this kind of stuff for you have “no life” then feeding off them really makes you a bottom feeder. I think what irritated the prior poster was your “dissapointment” at the community and your whole tone that indicated that you thought somehow we owed you.yeah, i kinda like the idea of it only showing the 3 movies you have out at that time…
cant wait for it to be done!
thanks so much,
matI’ve got a pretty nice setup going; though it’s not a full-fledged WordPress plugin, it does exactly what I want. Maybe someone else would get some use out of it, so here goes.
It comes out looking like this. You could include it onto the side menu (or anywhere else) if you wish, but mine is way too long to do that.
To use, download the free “PHP RSS Reader” script found here:
Modify it as such:
line 39: = change this to the RSS URL found at the bottom of your Netflix queue page.
lines 124-143: Modify this to change how it looks.
Upload it to your server, and wahlah. Your netflix queue is now public.I’m way late on this one, but I recently created a Netflix plugin. You can find it here:
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