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  • After I updated to the new Yoast plugin my homepage got broken so is other pages, my whole website started acting weird with white blank pages with multiple errors when i inspected the page. I couldnt even add any products to the cart. I uninstalled it and now everything is back to normal. How can I get the previous version of Yoast? this updated one is useless!

    Thread Starter themantimeforgot


    Your comment should really go in a new separate thread (As its entirely a new issue) but all you need to do is take the download link and change the version number to the version your trying to download and that should get you to what you want.

    Example (One version back 2.7):



    Thread Starter themantimeforgot


    Reverting back to 5.2.7 fixed the issue so its something exclusive to the new version. I’ll have to do some more troubleshooting to figure out what the issue is. Figure out what the differences are between versions and see which one did it. More to come.

    I’ve been experiencing the same issue as @themantimeforgot. After updating my network-activated Yoast Google Anlaytics plugin to 5.2.8, previewing a page or post brings up the error “You do not have permission to preview drafts.” Still haven’t found a fix so I’m rolling back to 5.2.7

    I’m also experiencing this on a multisite single domain install. Also rolling bacl to 5.2.7.

    For the plugin authors, this issue is NOT happening when the plugin is activated on a single install, or a multisite install at the blog level. When network activated, it looks like you are calling something that utilizes a user check before pluggable.php is defined, which is causing 2 notices to appear:

    Notice: Use of undefined constant AUTH_COOKIE – assumed ‘AUTH_COOKIE’ in /home/CLIENT/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 788

    Notice: Use of undefined constant LOGGED_IN_COOKIE – assumed ‘LOGGED_IN_COOKIE’ in /home/CLIENT/public_html/wp-includes/user.php on line 242

    These constants are not yet defined, so you are probably just using the wrong action hook with your check.

    This is PROBABLY the reason Page Preview (and other AJAX functions) are breaking.

    Thread Starter themantimeforgot


    Excellent, thank you Eric, I have not had the time to look into that any deeper. Your help is greatly appreciated! Hopefully they will be able to release a fix soon.

    Thread Starter themantimeforgot


    After some testing this morning it looks like this has been resolved with the latest update to the plugin (Version 5.3).

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