• Wolfie


    I have tow top level Domains that I would like to Network. I have been reading through the various blogs. And I have to say cudos to the WP community for the kind openness of heart.. way cool!

    For Illustration let say we have “Mysite.today.com & “MysiteTonight.com.”

    First concept is to have MysiteToday.com with one themes for daytime events.

    Second to have “Mysite.Tonight.com” with evening Event themes.

    Next, we have Events Classified according to Categorical Popular name conventions according to every kind of Event Class with sub-classes.

    And then, allow Themes of many, many kinds to be “associated” with categorical classes. Hundreds upon hundreds.

    The idea is to allow someone to Register in either top level domain and have access to 1. rent a site to post events from and choose a theme according to their choice.

    Advanced concept? Allow Certain paid subscribers the ability to lease a subdomain like “LasVegas.MysiteTonight.com” to which “we” can take in subscribers and “share” somehow the proceeds of individuals that want to post an event for a tiny price.

    Is this possible with the plugins we have today?
    How do I create map the Categorical themes to the Event Classes

    It would kind be like going to GoDaddy and paying for a domain and then purchasing a Template site form among the many they have…

    Thank you for taking the time to read this…

    Kind regards and thanks again for being such a great group of individuals.

    LoneWolf… Howling at the Moon.

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  • WhatsHappeningToday.com and WhatHappeningTonight.com
    I want to allow registration of subdomains suchs as “yourcity.whatshappeningtonight.com and yourcounty.whatshappeningtoday.com.
    All event posts will share / be visible from a search on either site. Thus if you went to one..say whatshappeningtoday.com and did a search for and event.. you could possibly see an event that was posted on the whatshappeningtonight.com site.

    I have picked the “mainsite” to network as whatshappeningtonight.com. From there I am lost. I created another network for the whatshappeningtoday.com but cannot change the theme.

    I would like also to allow registrants that sign up for a subdomain to be able to choose their “own” theme.

    Please help.

    Posting the same question in multiple places makes it harder for people here to help you – please stick with one or the other –


    Please close this ticked / thread.

    Okay, thanks.

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