• A few times i tried to get call from you and text from contact box from website but it won’t work. It may caused by my phone number’s prefix that belongs Turkey. I sended my Skype id to [email protected]. My timezone is UTC+2 but i can flexible with my iPhone i can wake up for a call at night and talk or you can response this message.

    Please, i need to create a website with row seats & payment gateway that not exist on your add-ons list yet. This gateway is iyzico.com/en . I have full documentation of iyzico and they were informed about you, if you wish you can reach them directly. Note: They have woo commerce plugin too.

    I know you can handle this new add-on in a few hours, maybe less. This will not only single web site probably and i’ll buy your iyzico add-on every single time.

    I know it’s matter of how theme works (seatera) but i should say;

    -Idle countdown starts again after every mouse scrolls or keyboard strokes and stops when computer sleeps until wake up again. These are some examples about this issue.
    -“Buy Ticket” button empty (means default) or filled, not working. Filled like this; */?event_id=2&movie=2


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