Over the last couple of weeks we have encountered an issue with the number of API calls made by the plugin.
Yesterday during a scheduled event on our site the issue went to it’s extreme with this site reaching it’s limit of API calls in minutes, resulting in all videos being taken off the site and displaying the plugins API error message.
We had to create new auth keys to deal with it while simultaneously troubleshooting the problem and testing out possible solutions.
It seemed that each visitor was resulting in about 30 API calls and at it’s peak it meant that after about 20 minutes the API reached it’s daily limit.
We have had past events with many many more visitors than yesterday and never had this issue before, as far as we know.
Obviously we are a little concerned and would like to better understand the situation so we’re better able to solve it the next time it happens. Can we please ask…
1. Have there been any changes to the plugin that would result in a very large increase in the number of API calls?
2. Would it be possible to provide the plugin with multiple API auth keys so that it either it uses one until it no longer works, then can use the next one, or uses a random auth key. So that if we entered say 10 keys, that could mean that our potential limit could increase tenfold?
3. Is it possible to edit the error message that is displayed when the limit is reached so that the details of how to resolve it are not displayed to all visitors? We consider this a security issue as it exposes the plugin details to the world, which isn’t best practice in a security sense.
Thanks for your help.
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