• Hy,

    I am currently trying to edit a theme (Helios) and change the banner. In stylesheet.css, the code for banner is:

    #header {
    width: 880px;
    margin: 0px;
    float: left;
    background: url(images/header.gif) no-repeat;
    height: 111px;
    padding: 30px 20px 10px;

    Now, I would like to change the banner, but not with a gif/jpeg. I created in Photoshop an image with slices for buttons. The code is:

    <!– ImageReady Slices (banner_nou.psd) –>
    <table id=”Table_01″ width=”921″ height=”151″ border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″>
    <td colspan=”13″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_01.jpg” width=”920″ height=”15″ alt=””></td>

    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”15″ alt=””></td>
    <td colspan=”11″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_02.jpg” width=”843″ height=”104″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”3″>

    <img src=”images/banner_nou_03.jpg” width=”56″ height=”125″ border=”0″ alt=””>
    <td rowspan=”6″>

    <img src=”images/banner_nou_04.jpg” width=”21″ height=”136″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”104″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”5″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_05.jpg” width=”20″ height=”32″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”4″>

    <img src=”images/Untitled-1_03.jpg” width=”132″ height=”30″ border=”0″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”5″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_07.jpg” width=”9″ height=”32″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”4″>

    <img src=”images/Untitled-1_05.jpg” width=”135″ height=”30″ border=”0″ alt=””>
    <td rowspan=”5″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_09.jpg” width=”10″ height=”32″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”4″>

    <img src=”images/Untitled-1_07.jpg” width=”136″ height=”30″ border=”0″ alt=””>
    <td rowspan=”5″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_11.jpg” width=”7″ height=”32″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”4″>

    <img src=”images/Untitled-1_09.jpg” width=”176″ height=”30″ border=”0″ alt=””>
    <td colspan=”3″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_13.jpg” width=”218″ height=”3″ alt=””></td>

    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”3″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”4″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_14.jpg” width=”126″ height=”29″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”2″>

    <img src=”images/banner_nou_15.jpg” width=”86″ height=”22″ border=”0″ alt=””>

    <td rowspan=”4″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_16.jpg” width=”6″ height=”29″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”18″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”3″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_17.jpg” width=”56″ height=”11″ alt=””></td>

    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”4″ alt=””></td>
    <td rowspan=”2″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_18.jpg” width=”86″ height=”7″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”5″ alt=””></td>

    <img src=”images/banner_nou_19.jpg” width=”132″ height=”2″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_20.jpg” width=”135″ height=”2″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_21.jpg” width=”136″ height=”2″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_22.jpg” width=”176″ height=”2″ alt=””></td>

    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”2″ alt=””></td>
    <!– End ImageReady Slices –>

    (sorry for the lenght of the post)
    Now, where should i post this? or how?

    Hoping to receive some help ??
    best regards

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  • Without knowing your theme (an url would help) I would probably say in the file header.php.


    Thread Starter ciuncky


    it’s https://www.routegamer.net, but the theme i speak about it’s not activated.

    in the header.php i tried in a few places, but nowhere appears the header.gif so i don;t no where to place it …

    the theme about i speak it’s here: https://blinger.org/wordpress-themes/heliosgrin/

    you need to look for <div id=”header”> in header.php:

    <div id="header">
    <h1><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></h1><p><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></p>

    and then insert your code.
    you will also need to change the paths to your images.

    Thread Starter ciuncky



    Now looks like that:

    <div id=”header”>

    <!– ImageReady Slices (banner_nou.psd) –>
    <table id=”Table_01″ width=”921″ height=”151″ border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″>
    <td colspan=”13″>
    <img src=”images/banner_nou_01.jpg” width=”920″ height=”15″ alt=””></td>
    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”15″ alt=””></td>


    <img src=”images/spacer.gif” width=”1″ height=”2″ alt=””></td>
    <!– End ImageReady Slices –>

    BUT, now there still is nothing, if i activate the theme appear for a moment the margins of the images, then they all disappear. i didn;t understood what you mean by “change the paths to your images. “. I mean, with what? there was a folder inside the theme named images, and there i uploaded the rest. but still not working. ideas?

    in style.css it’s still

    #header {
    width: 880px;
    margin: 0px;
    float: left;
    background: url(images/header.gif) no-repeat;
    height: 111px;
    padding: 30px 20px 10px;

    Should i replace anything here?

    Kind regards

    The images are searched for relative to the path header.php resIdes, in your case in /images/. Is that where your images are?


    the path to the images within header.php should look like:
    src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/xxxxxx.gif"

    Thread Starter ciuncky


    @pboosten: yes, that’s the folder. it’s created by default by Photoshop.
    @alchymyth: thanks, with img before that string works. ??

    also, from the stylesheet.php i had to delete the background line.
    thanks a lot to both of you!

    have a nice day, alex

    Thank you Alchymyth! I too was having this same problem. It look great on the homepage, but when I would go to my page.php or single.php the images were missing and the ImageReady slices would collapse.

    Putting <?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/images/xxxxxx.gif instead of putting wp-content/themes/theme_beta/images/xxxxxx.gif as the image directory solved my problem.

    Thanks again : )

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