• NuclearMoose


    Hey, gang.
    As someone recently said, “Lest you confuse authoritarianism with technical ability,” I have come to realize that WordPress and all things associated with it are simply over my head, and that my desire to assist people is, apparently, nothing more than my ego trying to prove that I am something that I am not.
    I look forward to remaining as part of the WordPress community, but in the role of a user who is here to learn and keep my mouth shut. I applaud all those people who give freely of their time and talents on a daily basis and who ask nothing more than a simple “thank you” in return. You are a great bunch of people, and I’m happy to be in the community with you all.
    I have removed all WordPress documentation from my site, so as to not pass along inadequate information.
    I’m sure I will have plenty of questions to ask in the near future.
    Thanks, everyone, and remember to have fun.

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  • Nick Momrik


    Pretty difficult for anyone to help if you don’t post a question or a problem description.



    I strongly believe that if someone says your tutorials are horrible and offer no suggestions for improvement, he/she is only putting him/herself down. You care enough to try to help people–a very rare trait nowadays–and you do a great job from what I’ve seen in my short time here.
    So, your site has a few bugs; that’s better than most professionional sites. Don’t worry about it! Fix them if you want to, but whatever you do, don’t let someone tear you down like that.
    Honestly, I’m embarassed that I received any recognition in those posts. It would’ve been flattering, but given the context I was appalled and disgusted. I have the utmost respect for the WordPress development team and the community here, and wouldn’t dare insult anyone or anything involved. For me, WordPress is a joy to use, and was the PHP-based blog software I had been seeking since installing MovableType. I don’t know Perl and I don’t care much for using the cgi-bin (organization issues; I tend to be slightly obsessive-compulsive), so it was a great relief when I found WordPress. Finally, I had found blogging software I could easily use, modify, and manipulate to get it exactly how I wanted.
    Kudos to the dev team, and to you, NuclearMoose. Please, continue to help people, for it is the most noble thing a person can do. Don’t give up, and don’t be sad. Your tutorials help people, and that’s truly all that matters.


    <– not THAT Anonymous
    NuclearMoose, let me just say that it’s never good to feed the trolls anything… especially all the hard work you’ve put into enhancing the WP community. Seriously, you’re trusting the judgment of one anonymous troll over the opinions of everyone else in this thread.



    NM, I don’t post often here but I read through posts all the time to learn what I can and I have learned a lot from yours. Please don’t let this one person push you out.
    A long time ago, I used to write tutorials for PSP but ended up dumping my entire site because of a couple of “hecklers”. I regret giving in and I hope you will rethink your decision to remove your tutorials as well. One person doesn’t speak for everyone. Don’t make them the one person you listen to. ??



    Moose, I’ve just read the other thread and I have to say that you shouldn’t bother about that cowardly anonymous w@nker.
    If you look back over the time you’ve been active with your tutorials, help on the forums and in the documentation – you have helped lots of US get up and running.
    This is not the time to take down your tutorials this is the time to procalim them loudly from the highest mountain…you and your tutorials have helped many and its time for you to feel proud
    On the cowards comments about them breaking in Firefox when you make the screen size small – I’ve not seen the site so can’t comment on the css but lets be honest – everyone using a browser with CSS support will be on a machine that is at least 800*600 (who in their right mind would upgrade their system so they could use the latest browser and still use 640*480 … it makes no sense) – those on 640*480 either use early versions of netsacpe/ie or lynx and its easy enough to parse the CSS so that they won’t see it and the site degrades nicely. But something tells me they (640*480 users) are used to seeing sites not render properly…
    In other words remember who your audience is; the people looking at your css tips aren’t people using lynx, or who have yet to upgrade from Netscape 4.01
    From re_invigorate
    45% 1024 x 768
    29% 800 x 600
    11% 1280 x 1024
    5% 1152 x 864
    2% 1600 x 1200
    5% Other
    Also NM your in good company half the Zen Garden designs break if you make the screen too small.


    I only caught a glimpse of this at the time but on my monitor a 15″ tft with firefox bookmarks activated the page broke badly with the window at max size. So in fairness the guy was not talking about degrading gracefully he was talking about the page only really being readable in limited circumstances (wide screens).
    arthuc I can’t help feeling your analysis may not be spot on. It seems unlikely a css pundit is going to be running nn4 on a Commodore Amiga or similar. Let’s not start him off again. Your own page by the way has the same characteristic in the rh nav bar. Funny that. Still the criticism seemed way out of line and NM is going to be badly missed.



    Damn, this had to happen on the day I was going to follow NM’s tutorial and knock my site into something my own. And now I feel ashamed to be British.
    Can we turn off Anon posting now please?



    now people will fear posting as anon on asking not so good questions. Still,
    dont turn off anon posting please. ??

    At this particular place in space/time a long rant about morons being denied access to the Internet should have existed. Instead no time was wasted on this subject as the author (me) figured his time would be wasted, but for the smiles it would draw from the gathered crowds standing around watching the anonymous rantmaker (who I might add didn’t even have the decency to create a taunting handle for himself).
    The author (that’d still be me) then starts to reminiscence about more civilized times, back when everyone was happy and approached situations such as these with a smile, a polite handshake and some creative thinking…
    Can we move along?

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