• Resolved Paul Biron


    In Classic Editor, when creating a new category (via the “Add New Category” link in the “Categories” metabox), the newly created category gets assigned the language of the post that is being edited.

    However, when doing the same in the block editor (Gutenberg), the newly created category does not get assigned to any language.

    I think this is a bug.

    I’ve tested this with WP 6.0-beta3 and PL (free) 3.2.2.

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  • Plugin Support Chrystl



    when doing the same in the block editor (Gutenberg), the newly created category does not get assigned to any language.

    It doesn’t work in Polylang (version available on the WordPress directory) but it works in Polylang Pro. It’s part of better integration in the new Block Editor.

    Thread Starter Paul Biron


    OK, good to know. Thanx.

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