Hello again,
Before anything else, I would like to insist that I had no intentions of disrespecting the etiquette of the forum, neither I wanted to promote any product. I’m just an individual starting a business blog on my own, with very little experience, who landed here seeking help.
All I came here to say in this message comes out of respect and appreciation to people like you that develop freeware for the benefit of others, which I highly admire, and, at the same time, out of confusion and astonishment because of what happened in this thread.
In the first place, I think I came to the right place to seek help about a Contact Form issue. Before I posted my message, I searched the forum for similar cases. Then, I decided to post my question. Very shortly after, I was replied by you, the developer (which is always a privilege and something noteworthy) , who asked me a very direct question, that I answered precisely and to the point.
It is your next reply is what I can’t still understand at all. Why ask me about the theme in the first place if my answer won’t be accepted, or will infringe the rules or create a problem? I didn’t come here to post anything about any commercial products, I just answered the question I was asked. I made a mistake I wasn’t aware of and I apologized for it.
Why show interest in my inquiry but then, after answering your question, being told to seek help out of here, contacting the theme’s developers?
Why mark the topic as resolved when no real answers or directions, or attemps of explaining something constructive were given???
I fully understand that there should be no expectations at all when asking for help regarding free plugins or open source software, especially in forums like this one that’s run by volunteers. This is not what bugs me in any case. I want to make this clear. Like I said, I highly value and appreciate the work of all the community of freeware developers. What I would like to understand is why this attitude and behavior towards me in this thread. I understand I need to be told I did something prohibited that can’t be repeated. What I don’t understand is why after that I’m sent away and denied help, with no further reason. Doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose of having a support forum???
Thanks for reading.