• hey ??
    here is my new free wordpress theme:


    – Css /xhtml valid
    – Widget ready ( you can put adsense,and a lot others widgets!)
    – Tested in IE, FF & Opera
    – WordPress 2.3 ready


    I hope you like it :p

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  • It is NOT free – it has sponsor links in the footer!

    They never learn, or give up.

    Please define a sponsored theme.

    Sponsored Theme: A Theme where the author of the theme has got sponsorship for creating the theme. Sponsored theme usually have a few lines in the footer that link to the theme’s sponsors. These themes are NOT considered free by WordPress, as even though the user doesn’t have to pay for it, the author still gets paid by the sponsors.


    Can’t someone using the theme just take out the sponsor links, or is that considered a no-no?

    Depends on how the theme is licensed. If it’s the GPL license then yes you could take those links out.

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