• I just understood that my website is hacked since… a long time (feb 2012?)

    I still don’t know how it was done, or if it was because of an old classic backdoor I had in 2011… But just so you know:

    I had a fake Jquery 1.3.2 in wp-includes>js>tinymce>plugins>spellchecker>classes>utils

    I had a folder with a .log full of .html from spam in wp-includes>js>jquery

    And in the .htaccess of /wp-includes/js/jquery I had a call to a jobdescription.php. It was allowing upload and write in a part of my server. ??

    The alert came from AVG in Opera (yeah to Opera users who told me), then we saw that code on top of the site, just once : https://www.cafzone.net/2012/05/colorz/#comments (1st comment).

    The code was 100% regex from Hell. Was sending links to gena.stx.nl/top2.html and others.

    I still dont know how it was possible. Maybe remnants of my old hack in 2011… And I find nothing with google about those files. I doubt I’m alone fighting this hack…

    PS : a big [profanity removed] to all the coders doing that [profanity removed – please try a little harder to express yourself without having to resort to bad language]. ??

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